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Saturday, December 31, 2022


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Shelley Shepard Gray
Amish nanny Hannah Eicher never thought she’d see Rob Prince again. There was no way a relationship between her and the handsome English fireman could overcome her family’s objections—and their personal differences. But when he saves her from a sudden blaze, Hannah longs to see if they can turn holiday hope into a lifetime of happiness . . .
HIS AMISH ANGEL * Patricia Johns
She’s too outspoken to be a proper Amish wife. So as advice columnist “Miss Amish,” Maggie Lapp helps Amish and English
with their romantic problems. But when her tradition-minded former fiancé accidentally reveals her secret, Maggie will need more than a miracle to make things right—and find a perfect love for all the Christmases to come . . .
Rachel Miller won't let her disability keep her from selling heirloom plants and proving she can be independent. She certainly doesn't need reckless Joseph Webber working at her greenhouse to pay off a disastrous Rumspringa stunt. But she and Joseph have more in common than they think—and their surprising holiday partnership might just blossom into forever joy . . .



This is a nice sweet story of reconciliation and second chances. I loved how Hannah has decided to become  more independent and try to make it on her own. Her parents are not happy because they  want her to come home and be baptized. She may be Amish but she wants more than just living under the Order. I thought she showed courage and dealt with some issues with the help of God. 

Rob is a hero in many ways. He saves Hannah and her dog in a fire but he also has patience that it is a great characteristic. They once were a couple but things didn’t turn out well. Rob got his heart broken yet he still finds that he has feelings for Hannah. I loved how the author shows Hannah starting to realize that she had made a mistake with Rob. She also needs to repair her relationship with her parents. This is a wonderful Christmas story where we witness forgiveness and a relationship that puts God first. 


Maggie is such a great character. She is not the typical Amish woman and that tends to scare some of the Amish men off. I love how honest she is and how she wants to be her own person. An Amish woman is expected to marry young, have children and take care of the home. Now Maggie may want those things as well, but I think she intimidates men. She has a knack for writing and her column in the paper is a big hit. “Miss Amish” answers letters from people who are seeking advice, 

When her ex fiancée shows up to help her dad fix the barn, he isn’t welcomed with open arms. He tells her secret about her column which ruins everything for  her. She has loved giving advice with grace and honesty. Atley wants Maggie to forgive him, but can she do this without being bitter? I loved how we can see that there is a little spark still between them. I really enjoyed the talk Atley had with his uncle who is the  bishop.  Atley explains that God sent Jesus to save all of us. Maggie is spreading her faith by sharing it in the letters she answers. Didn’t God call us to go and share the good news with others? That  gets the bishop to thinking. 

It’s Christmastime and we think of Mary and how meek she was. Atley is passionate about having his dad see Maggie’s column as a blessing. I loved how Atley stands up for Maggie and gives her a wonderful Christmas gift. The saying goes,”opposites attract.” Will Atley and Maggie find happiness together? I loved this story and how the author explores how important it is to be ourselves and  not worry what others think of us. The  ending made me cry as I saw the importance of marriage and how we should “bend” for each other. What a beautiful thing to do for the person you love . Compromise or “bend” as the Amish call it makes for a string marriage. Merry Christmas Atley and Maggie. 


I like how this story features Rachel who is in a wheel chair because of bone cancer. She is stubborn, angry and a little prideful. Her parents hire Joseph to help her in the greenhouse but he doesn’t get a good welcome from her. You can feel the tension in the air as Joseph tries his best to be helpful. What an awkward position they both are in. Rachel wants to prove that she  can take care of herself but now Joseph is here to lend a hand. 

I did chuckle as Joseph tries so hard to convince Rachel that he is only there because his parents made him take the job. A silly mistake finds him having to work with someone who doesn’t want him around. As they begin to open up to each other, they realize they are searching for the same thing. They want to be independent and have some control over their lives. The book encourages the characters to use the gifts God has given us and be content. 

This story has a few surprises and shared the importance of following your dreams. Rachel and Joseph learn to communicate and this opens the door for them  to share their feelings. Rachel gets two wonderful surprises for Christmas and Joseph makes a decision for his future. 

Friday, December 30, 2022



It isn't easy to be Katie Weaver. Her sister-in-law Ella is about to have a baby, making Katie an aunt for the second time . . . and she's only six and a half! Plus, her favorite librarian, Miss Donovan, seems sad. She won't even fix up the rundown nativity in front of the library in time for Christmas. Then, an old woman is attacked outside the library, and, one by one, the nativity figures start to disappear!

Luckily, there's a new deputy in town, Connor Fields.

He takes a real liking to Miss Donovan . . . and he promises to find the missing nativity pieces for Katie.

Now, all Katie has to do is pray that Ella's delivery goes well and that some kind of nativity is in place for Christmas Eve. Oh, and that Miss D. falls in love with Connor. Katie knows from watching her three brothers that it makes people real happy. And that would be a Christmas miracle indeed!


Katie is such an endearing child and it was easy to fall in love with her. She has such a big heart and wants something done about the sad looking nativity scene outside the library. She is very direct when she tells the librarian that they need to have a real life nativity scene . Wouldn’t that be wonderful to behold. Seeing it come to life just gives me chills. Now Katie has to convince a lot of people how important it is to have this take place. 

Miss  Jayne Donavan doesn’t  seem very excited about the nativity and Katie remembers  she has been sad for awhile. Maybe Katie can find her a man to make her happy again. Oh my this girl is really got lot of  ideas so she better focus and ask God for help. I wonder how Jayne  feels about being matched with a new beau? Right before closing a man rushes into  the library for help. Conner is a police officer who is looking for some books when he hears a scream outside the library. Oh how I liked the little mystery going on with a stolen figure from the nativity scene and a woman who claims she was attacked. Now Jayne is curious why someone wanted to damage the  nativity.  Is Jayne in danger and who could be vandalizing outside the library? 

The faith of a child is so precious and I adored how Katie was determined to find the librarian a man to marry and have the best live nativity the town has ever known. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I quickly wanted to help her. Her prayer to God is sweet and pure. Katie learns a valuable lesson about what Christmas is really about. “It’s about family and love. It’s about you, God.”

If you are looking for a quick read that celebrates Christmas, this is the perfect book. Find out who is stealing the nativity characters and if Katie gets her live nativity scene. And don’t miss the question of does Jayne finds love.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


The crisp fragrance of pine trees and the warm spice of fresh cookies aren’t the only blessings that Christmas brings, and no one knows more about happy homecomings than three couples who are celebrating the greatest gift of all . . .

Called home by family, John Miller and Ellie Coblentz are each looking for a way north from Pinecraft, Florida. With few options, they decide sharing the burden of travel must be the Lord’s plan for them. But can this bumpy, bad-weather journey home help them find their way into each other’s hearts, too?
STAR OF WONDER * Charlotte Hubbard
When Raymond Overholt comes to Promise Lodge, hoping to sell the barnboard signs he’s painted with stars and Christmas messages, spirited young Mennonite Lizzie Zehr is intrigued. But any courtship between them will face fierce opposition from the bishop of Raymond’s Old Order community—unless someone can convince him that at the heart of faith lies love . . .
Newlyweds Rachel and Luke Coblentz can’t wait to celebrate their first Christmas together after years of courtship. But when Luke’s factory job threatens to keep them apart—from each other and their dream of a family—it will take faith to believe in the gift of a truly joyful ending .


I love books with several authors together writing  in their unique style to give readers a wonderful collection for all to enjoy. I love that a star is the focal point in each story as they celebrate Christmas.


I was so excited to be on the journey with John and Ellie. They meet under circumstances beyond their control. Each are trying to get home to someone who needs help. John is going to see his father who doesn’t have long to live. They haven’t spoken in years, which will be difficult for John. Ellie is going to take care of her grandmother. They look out for each other as they are removed from a van where a very unpleasant driver was. 

I loved their adventure on the train.  I never thought about motion sickness on a train, but I can see how that  would be a problem for some. As the train reaches the end for them, they still need to find other transportation to get to their final destination. 

The story is filled with meeting  kind people as they travel and find that they both seem to get along with each other. The ending is sweet and I loved how the author illustrated forgiveness. I loved how two strangers trust God and learn that He had a plan for them to meet and change their lives. 


This story gave me a better insight into the Mennonites. Raymond wants to sell his signs and finds the perfect place at a store. But his parents aren’t sure it is a good idea since the Mennonites don’t follow their beliefs. I have always thought about how difficult it would be to be shunned by family and the community. Mennonites allow their members to confess their sins and be forgiven. Raymond is ready to move out on his own and hopes he gets the chance to do so while selling his signs and working at the store.

Lizzie sure was interested in Raymond right away. She almost seemed pushy at times but her heart is pure and I liked how she encouraged Raymond. I love that she gets a chance to bake cookies again after leaving the bakery she used to work at. She has a gift for being fast and making the cookies so tasty. The significance of the star in this story is very emotional. Lizzie is reminded that “like a star we shine in our own special way.” What a great reminder that we may be different but we all have something that makes us special in God’s eyes.  

As feelings growing stronger between the two, Raymond starts to feel pressure from his dad. He is not in agreement that Raymond should be seeing Lizzie and thinks Raymond could be shunned if he continues his relationship with her. The story is a beautiful illustration of following God and giving grace to those who are in need. I loved the transformation of one character and it filled me with hope. “You never can tell which little things we do and say will lead someone to follow God’s star.”


Rachel and Luke are newlyweds and are finding it hard to be together. Luke’s job keeps him away from home during the week. Each time they are together you can feel the love between them. As Christmas draws near, Luke finds out that he has to work during the holidays. He is  having a hard time working at the factory and pray that soon he  will find a job  closer to home. 

This story is a look at faith and how we need to trust God. He knows the desires of our heart and wants His children to turn to Him with our needs. Luke and Rachel are waiting for the right job to come along so Luke won’t have to be away from home. What a blessing they receive and are surprised by the outpouring of support from family and friends. The ending is a wonderful blessing that finds Luke and Rachel feeling happy and excited for the future.