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Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Final Vow
by Amanda Flower

As we go through the lists of suspects you will be changing your mind and I was really surprised as to whom the culprit was.
~Maureen’s Musings

The Final Vow (A Living History Museum Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Midnight Ink (May 8, 2017)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738745923


Summer weddings in Barton Farm’s picturesque church are standard procedure for museum director Kelsey Cambridge. At least they were until the Cherry Foundation, which supports the museum, orders Kelsey to host her ex-husband’s wedding on Farm grounds.
Ambitious wedding planner Vianna Pine is determined to make the bride’s Civil War-themed wedding perfect. But each time Vianna’s vision threatens the integrity and safety of the Farm, Kelsey has to intervene.
When Kelsey finds Vianna’s dead body at the foot of the church steps, everyone’s plans fall apart. With both the wedding and Barton Farm at risk of being permanently shut down, Kelsey has to work hard to save her own happily ever after.

About This Author

Amanda Flower, a two-time Agatha Award-nominated mystery author, started her writing career in elementary school when she read a story she wrote to her sixth grade class and had the class in stitches with her description of being stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel. She knew at that moment she’d found her calling of making people laugh with her words. She also writes mysteries as national bestselling  author Isabella Alan. In addition to being an author, Amanda is an academic librarian for a small college near Cleveland.
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Purchase Links
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The author has written another great mystery that kept me guessing throughout the story. I loved the setting of the story and fell in love with Barton Farm. Kelsey is a wonderful character and I love her determination to make the guests always happy . However,  Kelsey finds herself in an awkward position when her ex -husband and his fiancé  want to get married at the farm. I can see how inviting the place would be for a bride. The church is filled with history and surrounded by  intriguing artifacts.  Krissie is the essential bridezilla . I instantly disliked her and felt sorry for Kelsey. With so many demands I would be pulling my hair out.

Of course Krissie has the best wedding planner around. I don't know who was more annoying; Krissie or Vianna the wedding planner. I'm sure Kelsey was hoping that Krissie would change venues when she is told no to some crazy ideas she has. When a body is found at the church late one evening, it looks like the wedding may be off. Who wanted to kill Vianna? I was quite surprised that Vianna was dead. I really thought it was going to be the bride. Poor Krissie  is beside herself when she finds out the church may not be available for the wedding. I suppose learning her wedding planner was dead wasn't very important to her.

I loved how the author wrote such a great story with a few surprises that caught me off guard. There were plenty of suspects when it was determined that Vianna had been murdered. When Detective Candy Brandon started questioning Kelsey and her employees I wanted to tell her to go away. Detective Brandon is a very rude and snotty person. She seemed to really have it in for Kelsey. This is one story that gives readers wonderful characters and a mystery  that was hard for me to solve. I was very , very surprised when the killer was revealed. I highly recommend this cozy mystery complete with a surprise guest from the past, and a story that I didn't want to see end. I look forward to more books from this talented author.

I received a copy of this book from The Great Escapes Book Tour. The review is my own opinion.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Participants
May 8 – Maureen’s Musings – REVIEW
May 8 – Island Confidential – INTERVIEW
May 9 – Rainy Day Reviews – REVIEW
May 9 – Books Direct – GUEST POST
May 10 – Bibliophile Reviews –  REVIEW, INTERVIEW
May 11 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
May 11 – A Cozy Experience – REVIEW
May 12 – Babs Book Bistro – REVIEW
May 13 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
May 14 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW  
May 14 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, GUEST POST
May 15 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
May 15 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
May 16 – Curling up by the Fire – REVIEW
May 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
May 17 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
May 18 – Girl with Book Lungs – REVIEW
May 18 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST
May 19 – My Journey Back– REVIEW
May 21 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
Have you signed up to be a Tour Host?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I love reading books about the civil war. In this story the author has captured the time period perfectly. You can feel the tension as the war rages on. The  anguish that families deal with wondering if their loved one is coming home safe is overwhelming.

Carrie is a newlywed and is excited to begin her life with her husband, Peyton. The war takes him away and she worries everyday about his safety. When she gets word that he is missing , she will do everything in her power to find him. Carrie feels in her heart  that he is alive. What would you do to find your missing husband? There are so many intriguing parts to this book, I couldn't put it down. The author showed us how Carrie had faith that her husband would be fine. I loved that Carrie held  on to hope and never wavered.

The author gives readers a glimpse of a time period that is easy to picture with her incredible words. I loved how the story kept readers wondering what had happened to Peyton. There are a few surprises in the book and I was very intrigued by an old friend that shows up. Is this friend  here to help Carrie find her husband? The book moves at a great pace and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. The author really keeps her readers  glued to the story with excitement, mystery and hope. Make sure you pick up this book and get swept away to a place where one woman is willing to cross enemy lines to find her husband . Is Peyton alive? Did he fall into the enemy's hands?

I received this book from Kregel Book Tours.  The review is my own opinion.

Monday, May 8, 2017


I'm honored to have you on my blog today. I loved your book The Beloved Hope Chest.  Everyone needs to grab a copy of it.  Don't miss your chance to enter the giveaway at the end.
Now let's get started with some questions, Amy.

What was your most favorite book to read to your boys when they were little?

Zac absolutely loved Big Joe’s Trailer Truck by Joe Mathieu! He knew it by heart! It’s the cutest book, and I read it to Matt also. We kept it and will pass it on if they have children.

Out of all of your novels, who is your favorite mother?

Mattie Fisher from my Amish Heirloom series is my favorite! She’s modeled after my mother with her patient, loving heart. My mom and I sit together and have a cup of tea every night, just like Mattie and her daughters do.

What advice would you give to those who are not Mothers, yet long for children?

Since I have experienced a miscarriage and I know how it feels to lose a baby, my heart goes out to those who long to have children. I don’t feel I have the authority to give any advice, except to suggest that they speak to a fertility specialist. I hope those who long for children will have their prayers answered soon.

Can you share a special memory of your mother?

My favorite memory as a child is going to the movies with my mother every Saturday. We would go to see a matinee, and we had the best time! My love of movies truly comes from my parents.

This might sound corny, but my mom and I make special memories every day. She lives with my family and me, and she’s my best friend. We watch movies and television shows together, and we share books. While I’m working on a book, she sits in the same room and reads in order to keep my company. She helps me plot out my stories and she reads my books for typos. I can’t imagine not having her in my life. I’m so thankful God blessed me with the best mom!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
