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Saturday, September 22, 2018
This story is an emotional roller coaster filled with joy, tears, forgiveness and hope. I love how the author makes the characters so real. I felt like I was sitting with Ivy as she takes care of her grandfather who is ill. Christmastime is suppose to be joyful but Ivy doesn't really feel a part of the celebration. Wells Landing is filled with festive parties and family togetherness. My heart went out to Ivy as she sensed herself not part of the joyous celebrations going on.
We all make mistakes, but for Ivy her mistake caused her to become an outsider. It angered me that Zeb had deserted her and left her to face the community alone. The question now is why has Zeb come back after being away for so long? Will he try to find a way to get close to Ivy again?
I loved the part where Ivy realizes she needs to forgive God and herself. That can be so hard when you feel alone and miserable. Ivy has suffered for so long for her sin and I was on pins and needles waiting to see what she would do. When a crisis happens, Ivy has no choice but to ask Zeb for help. It was so nice to read how willing he was to help Ivy even though he knew she hadn't forgiven him for the past . With Zeb helping maybe Ivy can see that he has changed and wants to start over.
One of my favorite parts of the story was the friendship between Ethan and Ivy. She visits him at the nursing home and their connection is heartwarming. Ethan is a wise man and shares his faith with Ivy. I loved his examples that showed Ivy that people in the bible sinned and were forgiven. Ivy likes visiting Ethan and knows he is very ill. This part in the story was very touching and it reminded me of going to the nursing home to see my mother. I always felt so sad for the people who never had visitors. I'm so glad Ivy took time to befriend Ethan. He will instill in her much wisdom and comfort as the days go by.
What a wonderful story the author has written about forgiveness and trust. I loved how she talks about how important family is and how hard it can be to care for an elderly family member. Ivy and Zeb have much to work through. Christmas will be a new beginning for some in Wells Landing and for others a reminder that love conquers all.
" What a person wanted and what they ended up with were sometimes miles apart."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
About the Book
Book Title: Be the Miracle
Author: Delores Liesner
Genre: Non-fiction, Christian living, devotional
Release date: June 1, 2018
Whether we title these unexplainable happenings miracles, God-sightings, or some other name, people love to hear of such occurrences. Why? They increase our faith by providing evidence of the miraculous in our everyday lives and heighten awareness of God’s desire to minister personally to us and through us.
Delores Liesner is a prayer warrior with a track record of seeing Christ work in her life and the lives of others. Her articles, devotions, and columns reflect the excitement of seeing miracles transpire, and now her book chronicles many of these amazing experiences. You’ll enjoy it.—Dr. Dennis E. Hensley, author, Jesus in the 9 to 5
My time with God in the morning is the most precious part of my day. Be The Miracle is a devotional filled with wonderful personal stories that will build your faith and stir your heart to receive fresh grace from God and be on the lookout for new ways to serve Him each day.—Dan Walsh, bestselling author, The Unfinished Gift, Remembering Christmas, and The Dance
Miracles happen all around us, every single day if we’ll only be sensitive enough to recognize them and thank God for His divine intervention. Author Delores Liesner shows us that whether a miracle comes as the smallest kiss from heaven or a life-changing act of God, our Heavenly Father is still in the prayer answering business, and as the Word says: ‘We have not because we ask not.’ I love this book! It makes me want to shout about all of the times God has come through for me. It will encourage you, too! It’s a must read! —Michelle Medlock Adams, award-winning, best-selling author of more than 80 books including her latest Get Your Spirit On! Devotions for Cheerleaders and Love & Care For the One and Only You
Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author
Delores is a storyteller. Her passion, whether writing or speaking about activating faith is to be the miracle for others.
Over a thousand of those stories, devotionals, and teaching articles are published in print and online, including a compilation of 31 stories and life-changing challenges in her devotional, Be the Miracle! (Elk Lake Publishing). Delores is often spotted reading (3-5 books at a time), trying new recipes, or munching dark chocolate and orange peel. Her personal ministry is to benefit children with life-threatening illness via Fullness of Life Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ
Guest Post from the Delores
Would you believe a cow turned me into a miracle-believing lady? Though I’d always known about Jesus dying on the cross, and the Bible being God’s words, it took a couple of amazing and unexplainable events for me to understand miracles could happen to me!
We didn’t realize we were risk taking when we hopped in the car and headed for Colorado. Youthful and ignorant˜ in the ways of the world, we were excited to learn that the organization who produced the memory verse cards and Bible studies our friend had given us were having a conference that began the next day, we packed up and went! A startled young man answered our phone call, made when we were already half-way across the country and got to thinking maybe we should have told them we were coming!
The conference was full, but separate rooms across campus were found for us. Consequently we only sat by each other during meetings and some meals, so we didn’t compare notes until on the way home. That was when we both started sharing the same message from God – to give a certain amount to a missionary for 6 months. We did not have the money and the only amount in our budget that matched was groceries. Would God ask us to give up groceries for 6 months? We felt He would, so that He could surprise us with the provisions in a most unexpected way – like sending a cow!
That is a bit of a teaser for Surprise Us for Dinner, God, the first story in my upcoming 31-day personal challenge devotional, Be The Miracle! You see, when God did that miracle-series at the beginning of our Christian life, we knew He was real, and that He dealt with people on a personal level. If God could do this, we figured, He could do anything, and we have many amazing stories that prove it!
Each of the stories is a true incident of God leading me to bless someone else (often a stranger, but sometimes someone we knew), or someone bringing us an unexpected answer to prayer.
When I began sharing stories like You’re the One, The Wrong Store?, Stranger No More, and Impossible Dreams, there were two main responses. Some women were excited to relate to stories of miracles in their own lives, and some women wondered if God would do miracles through them too.
I always share that I do not believe God is a giant get your prayers answered here vending machine, serving us just to make us ‘happy.’ The joy in these stories, and their life challenges, is that God wants all of his followers to be His hands and feet (and less often his voice) in the world. Just as we can represent our spouses with our children, and our supervisors with the public or with other employees because we know them so well, and understand how they would respond to a situation, we can know God in such a personal way that we can represent Him to others too.
That takes time. And that is why each story is followed with a verse, its teaching and a challenge you can follow to recognize and activate God’s command and gift to be “the miracle” – the messenger delivering an answer to prayer.

I wasn't really sure what this book was going to entail. The title screamed miracles are everywhere and I figured that I was going to read some stories about unbelievable events where God performed miracles. The first lesson I received from this book is to not judge a book by its cover or in this case by the title. I never really thought of miracles as anything but God healing someone when it seemed hopeless or saving someone from certain death.
In this book I found wonderful stories of people who needed help, prayed and God answered their prayers when they thought there was no hope. How many of us have paid for someone's meal in line behind us at a drive-thru? We will never know how much that person needed a miracle that day. The book has made me become more aware of listening to God and obeying what He has called us to do. As the author says, "He wants us to be His hands and feet." So many times we need help, but we don't ask. I liked how the book is set up that after every chapter is scriptures that reflect on what was talked about in the chapter. It gives us a challenge ,to pray and prepare ourselves.
I am a huge fan of bible studies and love journals. This is the perfect book for me. I do remember a time when my youngest son was eighteen months old. He started having seizures and broke out in a rash all over his body. He was transported to the hospital to have tests done. I noticed one nurse refused to come near my son. I asked her why and her answer hurt but I understood. She was pregnant and the doctors suspected that my baby had meningitis. His room was quarantined and only people who were covered in protective suits could come in. The nurse was frightened for her unborn child. In that moment I knew he didn't but I told her to remove herself from his care and to take care of her health. The hospital decided that my baby needed more specialized care and we were transported to Children's Hospital into the ICU UNIT. I was looking for a miracle that day as my child was hooked up to IVS and machines.
Suddenly it became very quiet and my child says, "Hi Jesus." I looked at my son in shock . My son said that Jesus looked right at him, smiled and said he was going to be fine. Everyone in the room stood silently as my son was healed in that moment. The seizures, stopped, the fever went away and my baby stopped crying. Yes that was a miracle ,but it was also a miracle that the right people were in that room and witnessed what a little boy believed.
There are still times I think about about that time and pray let me me a miracle to someone. Let me bless them. Put me in the right place at the right time. I have shared with a few about my violent and abusive past. When the holidays come, I get very depressed. When I was growing up, every Christmas was the same. I would sit and watch my brothers open up present after present. I never received any. I would cry out to God to please send me a doll
or a stuffed animal. I never got one by I always believed that someday a miracle would happen. Last year in the mail was a package. It had my name on it but no return address. Inside was the cutest little baby doll I have ever seen. I cried with joy and thanked God that he didn't forget me. I treasure that doll. God sent me a miracle last year that I will never forget.
We never know when God will assign something to us. It may sound weird but I know that I will obey because there is a reason. What about the lady in the story that couldn't pay for her clothes? God had someone there with just the right amount to pay for them. If we want people to truly see Christians as loving and compassionate people we need to be willing to get out of our comfort zones. I love how the book gives us a plan of action everyday. Praying and reading scriptures is top priority to me. I'm glad that I have space in the book to jot down my thoughts and come back to them when needed.
Overall I really enjoyed the book and understand more of how we can be a miracle to someone else. We don't know what others are going through, but God will direct our path, place us where needed and give Holy Spirit direction of what to do. Another thing I learned from the book was the challenge made that said, " I dare you to look up verses that say listen or listening." I will take take that challenge and have started doing just that. Thank you for writing a book I will use over and over again.
"Be still and know that I am God."Psalm 46:10
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Just the Write Escape, September 13
Mary Hake, September 14
Because I said so – adventures in parenting , September 15
proud to be an autism mom, September 16
Real World Bible Study, September 17
Bigreadersite, September 18
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, September 19
Captive Dreams Window, September 19
Texas Book-aholic, September 20
Bibliophile Reviews, September 21
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 22
Janices book reviews, September 23
Carpe Diem, September 24
A Baker’s Perspective, September 25
A Diva’s Heart, September 26
To celebrate her tour, Delores is giving away
Grand Prize: Vertical Be the Miracle plaque, miracle magnet, Be the Miracle stamped cuff bracelet, a eternity circle necklace and Ebook or paperback copy of Be the Miracle
First: Gold miracle plaque, choice of Ebook or paperback of Be the Miracle, and shoe bracelet (be hands and feet of Jesus)
Second: Pink miracle plaque, choice of Ebook or paperback of Be the Miracle, and cross ribbon bookmark
Third: Blue background – Bee the Miracle canvas and Bee pin – choice of Ebook or paperback of Be the Miracle!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
This is one of the classiest, emotional and pivotal books about Christmas and family I have ever read. It drips with poignant moments that caught me off guard. We all have been there at times in our marriage where we become unhappy but don't quite know why. Our lives seem happy with healthy children, a lovely home and a marriage that has endured loss and triumph, but we feel empty inside.
I adored the significance of the ornaments in the story. It told in compassionate detail every important moment shared between Felicia and Jackson as they married and raised a family. There is a point in the story that made time stop for a minute. Felicia senses she is unhappy but blames everything else but the real reason she is sad. Maybe it was the realization that she hadn't forgiven herself for something that happened in their past. Does she blame Jackson for not allowing her to pursue her dreams?
On this Christmas of 2018 everything has changed in the family. Christmas was always special because Jackson gave a special gift to his wife every year that spoke to their hearts. Will it happen this year? How did they drift apart? The story is of two people trying to find their way back to each other and along the way experience Christmas like never before. The reference to Mary and Joseph in the story is very significant and it brings deep feelings to Felicia. I cried throughout the book as it really hit home for me.
It has been so hard all these years for me to enjoy the holidays. My childhood was filled with violence and abuse. Christmastime was the worst because I never once received a present my entire childhood. My brothers were blessed with gifts but I had to sit and watch them open them. When I became a mother I did everything I could to make sure that my children had a good Christmas. I put on a good front, but inside I cried for that little girl who wanted a doll and stuffed animal so bad. Over the years I gradually have begun to forgive my parents. What spoke to me the most in this book is two things. The first was how Felicia forgot to forgive herself. That was so powerful and something we often overlook. Thank you for reminding me that I still need to work on that myself. The second thing is how blessed I am to have a man who has stood by me all these years and showed nothing but unconditional love. Felicia didn't understand what she had in Jackson until it was almost too late. I loved when Jackson told Felicia, "I've been in love with you since high school." Jackson and Felicia have each realized they need to work on their marriage and communicate. Will they be able to safe their marriage? Can they remember those special moments at Christmas that are shared with a small gift so precious it reaches into their soul and brings hope? Jealousy and trying to get approval from your parents can stay with you for a long time. Will Felicia and Jackson be able to accept that God is proud of them?
This story will need to be read with tissues handy as you read about a family that goes through trials and leaves you with hope, and a feeling of God's love as He wraps His arms around you. He reminds us that we should treasure our memories and love each other like he loves us.
"The wounds of unforgiveness are not healed at once, but by the proper application of love and time."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
This is one of the classiest, emotional and pivotal books about Christmas and family I have ever read. It drips with poignant moments that caught me off guard. We all have been there at times in our marriage where we become unhappy but don't quite know why. Our lives seem happy with healthy children, a lovely home and a marriage that has endured loss and triumph, but we feel empty inside.
I adored the significance of the ornaments in the story. It told in compassionate detail every important moment shared between Felicia and Jackson as they married and raised a family. There is a point in the story that made time stop for a minute. Felicia senses she is unhappy but blames everything else but the real reason she is sad. Maybe it was the realization that she hadn't forgiven herself for something that happened in their past. Does she blame Jackson for not allowing her to pursue her dreams?
On this Christmas of 2018 everything has changed in the family. Christmas was always special because Jackson gave a special gift to his wife every year that spoke to their hearts. Will it happen this year? How did they drift apart? The story is of two people trying to find their way back to each other and along the way experience Christmas like never before. The reference to Mary and Joseph in the story is very significant and it brings deep feelings to Felicia. I cried throughout the book as it really hit home for me.
It has been so hard all these years for me to enjoy the holidays. My childhood was filled with violence and abuse. Christmastime was the worst because I never once received a present my entire childhood. My brothers were blessed with gifts but I had to sit and watch them open them. When I became a mother I did everything I could to make sure that my children had a good Christmas. I put on a good front, but inside I cried for that little girl who wanted a doll and stuffed animal so bad. Over the years I gradually have begun to forgive my parents. What spoke to me the most in this book is two things. The first was how Felicia forgot to forgive herself. That was so powerful and something we often overlook. Thank you for reminding me that I still need to work on that myself. The second thing is how blessed I am to have a man who has stood by me all these years and showed nothing but unconditional love. Felicia didn't understand what she had in Jackson until it was almost too late. I loved when Jackson told Felicia, "I've been in love with you since high school." Jackson and Felicia have each realized they need to work on their marriage and communicate. Will they be able to safe their marriage? Can they remember those special moments at Christmas that are shared with a small gift so precious it reaches into their soul and brings hope? Jealousy and trying to get approval from your parents can stay with you for a long time. Will Felicia and Jackson be able to accept that God is proud of them?
This story will need to be read with tissues handy as you read about a family that goes through trials and leaves you with hope, and a feeling of God's love as He wraps His arms around you. He reminds us that we should treasure our memories and love each other like he loves us.
"The wounds of unforgiveness are not healed at once, but by the proper application of love and time."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
About the Book
Book Title: Hidden Among The Stars
Author: Melanie Dobson
Genre: Historical Fiction (However, this is a time-slip novel, so there is also a contemporary component to the story)
Release date: September 4, 2018
From the award-winning author of Catching the Wind, which Publishers Weekly called “unforgettable” and a “must-read,” comes another gripping time-slip novel about hidden treasure, a castle, and ordinary people who resisted evil in their own extraordinary way.
The year is 1938, and as Hitler’s troops sweep into Vienna, Austrian Max Dornbach promises to help his Jewish friends hide their most valuable possessions from the Nazis, smuggling them to his family’s summer estate near the picturesque village of Hallstatt. He enlists the help of Annika Knopf, his childhood friend and the caretaker’s daughter, who is eager to help the man she’s loved her entire life. But when Max also brings Luzia Weiss, a young Jewish woman, to hide at the castle, it complicates Annika’s feelings and puts their entire plan—even their very lives—in jeopardy. Especially when the Nazis come to scour the estate and find both Luzia and the treasure gone.
The year is 1938, and as Hitler’s troops sweep into Vienna, Austrian Max Dornbach promises to help his Jewish friends hide their most valuable possessions from the Nazis, smuggling them to his family’s summer estate near the picturesque village of Hallstatt. He enlists the help of Annika Knopf, his childhood friend and the caretaker’s daughter, who is eager to help the man she’s loved her entire life. But when Max also brings Luzia Weiss, a young Jewish woman, to hide at the castle, it complicates Annika’s feelings and puts their entire plan—even their very lives—in jeopardy. Especially when the Nazis come to scour the estate and find both Luzia and the treasure gone.
Eighty years later, Callie Randall is mostly content with her quiet life, running a bookstore with her sister and reaching out into the world through her blog. Then she finds a cryptic list in an old edition of Bambi that connects her to Annika’s story . . . and maybe to the long-buried story of a dear friend. As she digs into the past, Callie must risk venturing outside the safe world she’s built for a chance at answers, adventure, and maybe even new love.
About the Author
Melanie is the former corporate publicity manager at Focus on the Family and owner of the publicity firm Dobson Media Group. When she isn’t writing, Melanie enjoys teaching both writing and public relations classes at George Fox University.
Melanie and her husband, Jon, have two daughters. After moving numerous times with work, the Dobson family has settled near Portland, Oregon, and they love to hike and camp in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest and along the Pacific Coast. Melanie also enjoys exploring ghost towns and abandoned homes, helping care for kids in her community, and reading stories with her girls.
Visit Melanie online at
Guest Post from Melanie
Hallstatt’s Hiding Places
Backpacking across Europe—that’s how my husband Jon and I decided to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. We savored the old world culture and charm as we hiked along Italy’s coast, toured medieval castles in Germany, and cruised the canals in Belgium; we both left a bit of our hearts in an ancient lakeside town called Hallstatt.
The moment we stepped off the ferryboat and into this storybook village, we crossed through a portal of sorts, traveling back several centuries in time. The rugged, snow-capped mountains around us and alpine lake, the quaint village with its church steeples and cobblestone lanes and waterfall that spilled into town—all of it captivated us.
Along the shore, hidden partially by trees, we could see spires of an abandoned castle, and I wanted to know its story. No one in Hallstatt could tell us who’d lived in the castle—at least, not in English—so my husband agreed to a new adventure. With a swan as our escort, we glided across the lake in an electric boat so I could study the rusty turrets, boarded windows, and wooden boathouse resting in the water like a felled log.
Instead of quelling my curiosity, the match of inspiration ignited my mind. Who had lived in this castle, and what happened there? I began writing in my journal that night, trying to capture my rogue thoughts on paper, hoping that one day a novel would emerge from the ashes of this castle’s story.
When we returned home, I began researching more of Hallstatt’s history and discovered that this region, in all of its beauty and mystique, had been infiltrated by an enemy in 1938. This town and the surrounding Salzkammergut became a mountain retreat for Nazi officials who built mansions on the shores of its many lakes and used salt mines to hide “ownerless treasure”—the gold bullion and artwork they’d stolen from the Jewish people.
The Nazis intended to build a Fourth Reich in this alpine fortress, but the Allies had other plans. Near the end of the war, these lakes became a dustbin of sorts, collecting whatever the enemy dumped into its waters—weapons, counterfeit banknotes, concentration camp lists—as they fled south from the Allied troops. The Devil’s Dustbin, locals call it.
Lake Hallstatt plunges more than four hundred feet between the fortress of mountains. Because of its depth and the many hiding places in the underwater forests, caves, and shifting sands, divers continue finding World War II artifacts today. Some still believe there’s a treasure trove buried on the bottom, but no one has reported finding any gold.
After our trip, a story about this castle and what happened to the heirlooms of the Austrian Jewish people continued to burn inside me until I finally put it on paper. So I built Schloss Schwansee—Castle of Swan Lake—in my mind, inspired by the castle along Lake Hallstatt, and created a cast of historical and contemporary characters who are searching for lost treasure.
Hidden Among the Stars is a time-slip novel about a castle and treasure and fairytales, but most of all, it’s a story about God using ordinary people across Austria to resist evil in their own extraordinary way.

I couldn't get through the book without crying several times. The author has written an historical story that sweeps across time from 1938 to present. It was easy to follow when going from time period to time period. Each character had a special place in my heart with their fierce determination to survive. I have read several books about how Hitler treated the Jewish citizens and each time my heart weeps for them. This book was especially emotional because the characters seemed so alive and jumped off the pages.
Annika was a special person who wanted to help her friend Max hide treasures so that Hitler's men couldn't find them. It was such a risk for her and I feared that she would be found out. Would you risk your life to help a friend? The author describes the terror that the Jews faced with deep emotional words. I can't imagine having to hide from people who hated you. The story is very intriguing and I couldn't put the book down.
When the book goes to present day, I saw the brilliance of how gifted the writer is. It is a seamless jump from past to present . Callie is a wonderful character and I liked her instantly. How fun it was to read how much Callie enjoys being at the bookstore everyday. She does story time with children which they all look forward to. When she discovers a very old children's book, she finds something very special hidden in the pages. This will take her on a journey that will span years and impact many lives.
I really enjoyed finding out more about "ownerless treasures" and how desperate people wanted to preserve them. Are there still treasures hidden today that are waiting to be found? Callie goes to great lengths to discover who Annika was and what the hidden message in the book meant. It's a wonderful story filled with faith, danger, sadness and for me an unexpected ending to the story.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Reading Is My SuperPower, September 6
Fiction Aficionado, September 6
Back Porch Reads, September 6
Among the Reads, September 6
The Power of Words, September 7
Multifarious, September 7
lady ansel book vibes, September 7
The Becca Files, September 7
God’s Little Bookworm, September 8
Christian Chick’s Thoughts, September 8
Painting with Words, September 8
Lis Loves Reading, September 8
cherylbbookblog, September 9
Living LIfe Free in Christ, September 9
Madeline Clark, September 9
Mary Hake, September 9
Reflections From My Bookshelves, September 10
Genesis 5020, September 10
Faithfully Bookish, September 10
Simple Harvest Reads, September 10 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Margaret Kazmierczak, September 11
All-of-a-kind Mom, September 11
Daysong Reflections, September 11
Caffeinated Christian Raves – N – Reviews, September 11
Seasons of Opportunities, September 12
Remembrancy, September 12
Inklings and notions, September 12
amandainpa, September 12
Maureen’s Musing, September 13
Locks, Hooks and Books, September 13
Just Commonly, September 13
Book by Book, September 13
Connect in Fiction, September 14
Pause for Tales, September 14
Have A Wonderful Day, September 14
Splashes of Joy, September 14
The Christian Fiction Girl, September 15
Tell Tale Book Reviews, September 15
To Everything A Season, September 15
A Baker’s Perspective, September 15
proud to be an autism mom, September 16
Bibliophile Reviews, September 16
Bigreadersite, September 16
Aryn The Libraryan, September 16
By The Book, September 17
Christian author, J.E. Grace, September 17
Janices book reviews, September 17
Texas Book-aholic, September 18
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 18
Carpe Diem, September 18
Godly Book Reviews, September 19
For The Love of Books, September 19
Live. Love. Read., September 19
Reader’s Cozy Corner, September 19
To celebrate her tour, Melanie is giving away a grand prize package that includes a $25 Amazon gift card, Catching the Wind paperback, and Hidden Among the Stars paperback!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
If you are familiar with the author you know that her characters are fun, independent and very opinionated. Well I'm talking about the women in her stories. I love how she makes them strong, funny, and at times unpredictable. Temperance is a perfect name for our main character. Her temper is quick but she knows what she wants. Now how did she find herself kidnapped ? Temperance loves adventure but I'm sure this is not what she had in mind. I laughed so hard as she is whisked away on an adventure that will keep readers entertained with her shenanigans. The author has created a character that is such fun I have decided I want to join her on her trip. She would be such a hoot to travel with.
Gilbert takes it upon himself to save the damsel in distress. Has anyone told Gilbert that Temperance can handle herself just fine? He is in for some real fun and games as he travels with Temperance. I loved when Gilbert asked Temperance, " You'll stay out of trouble?' Oh Temperance you have stolen my heart with your full of life heart and adventure that will send you on a journey you will not expect.
Now lets examine this tangled tale before we go any further in the story. Did you miss the part where Temperance was kidnapped, but the wrong woman was kidnapped. So who was the real person who was to be kidnapped and why? Gilbert is so focused on marrying Temperance to keep people from talking about why they were traveling on the train together, that he forgot to investigate why it even happened in the first place. Now on to the story folks. I see a mystery has emerged and it is getting good. Someone is not telling the truth and just what are they hiding? Is it time to take this kidnapping serious? Well I for one want to tell Temperance to watch her back. Something fishy is going on and it doesn't look good for Temperance right now.
One of the best parts of the entire story is the tug of war between Temperance and Gilbert. He is all for protecting her and, well we know Temperance. She is fighting him all the way. Just a little advice, Temperance, I love your independence, but for goodness sake let the poor man protect you. I don't know why but they remind me of Lucy and Ricky. I am enjoying every moment of this book and love how gifted the author is by giving us characters we can laugh with, cheer for and pray with.
This story is filled with intrigue, is unpredictable and danger lurking around every corner. Can Temperance and Gilbert solve the mystery before they get hurt? Why are family members out to get them? It's getting harder to trust family members when they seem to be deceitful. Don't miss this great adventure that will keep you entertained while trying to unravel the mystery surrounding Temperance.
I received a copy of this book from the author and Bethany House. The review is my own opinion.
If you are familiar with the author you know that her characters are fun, independent and very opinionated. Well I'm talking about the women in her stories. I love how she makes them strong, funny, and at times unpredictable. Temperance is a perfect name for our main character. Her temper is quick but she knows what she wants. Now how did she find herself kidnapped ? Temperance loves adventure but I'm sure this is not what she had in mind. I laughed so hard as she is whisked away on an adventure that will keep readers entertained with her shenanigans. The author has created a character that is such fun I have decided I want to join her on her trip. She would be such a hoot to travel with.
Gilbert takes it upon himself to save the damsel in distress. Has anyone told Gilbert that Temperance can handle herself just fine? He is in for some real fun and games as he travels with Temperance. I loved when Gilbert asked Temperance, " You'll stay out of trouble?' Oh Temperance you have stolen my heart with your full of life heart and adventure that will send you on a journey you will not expect.
Now lets examine this tangled tale before we go any further in the story. Did you miss the part where Temperance was kidnapped, but the wrong woman was kidnapped. So who was the real person who was to be kidnapped and why? Gilbert is so focused on marrying Temperance to keep people from talking about why they were traveling on the train together, that he forgot to investigate why it even happened in the first place. Now on to the story folks. I see a mystery has emerged and it is getting good. Someone is not telling the truth and just what are they hiding? Is it time to take this kidnapping serious? Well I for one want to tell Temperance to watch her back. Something fishy is going on and it doesn't look good for Temperance right now.
One of the best parts of the entire story is the tug of war between Temperance and Gilbert. He is all for protecting her and, well we know Temperance. She is fighting him all the way. Just a little advice, Temperance, I love your independence, but for goodness sake let the poor man protect you. I don't know why but they remind me of Lucy and Ricky. I am enjoying every moment of this book and love how gifted the author is by giving us characters we can laugh with, cheer for and pray with.
This story is filled with intrigue, is unpredictable and danger lurking around every corner. Can Temperance and Gilbert solve the mystery before they get hurt? Why are family members out to get them? It's getting harder to trust family members when they seem to be deceitful. Don't miss this great adventure that will keep you entertained while trying to unravel the mystery surrounding Temperance.
I received a copy of this book from the author and Bethany House. The review is my own opinion.
This book had me creeping out at times. The writing is so vivid I could feel the inner turmoil Toren felt every waking moment. I have been disoriented when waking up at times, but never have I woken up and not known where I was. He does remember his life as a husband and father, but his memory has been erased for the last eight months. This is about the time I would be having a panic attack and dialing 911. I'm not sure that would be the best idea, but really I'm not sure what I would do if I was Toren.
This story had me on the edge of my seat anticipating the next twist in the story. How could you be gone for a length of time and not recollect anything? Have you ever felt like there was a darker side to you? In the classic Rubart style he threads a Jekyll/Hyde theme that breaks the barrier between good and evil.
Toren wrestles with himself as he discovers how dangerous his anger has become. What happened to his football career? Can Toren recover his life and become a better person? I must mention the friction between him and his wife. What great writing the author achieved showing their love/hate relationship. It would be so hard to forgive Toren for his behavior but can he change his wife's mind? Will Toren find strength to fight the evilness inside of him? There is much to gleam from this story of hope and redemption.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.
This book had me creeping out at times. The writing is so vivid I could feel the inner turmoil Toren felt every waking moment. I have been disoriented when waking up at times, but never have I woken up and not known where I was. He does remember his life as a husband and father, but his memory has been erased for the last eight months. This is about the time I would be having a panic attack and dialing 911. I'm not sure that would be the best idea, but really I'm not sure what I would do if I was Toren.
This story had me on the edge of my seat anticipating the next twist in the story. How could you be gone for a length of time and not recollect anything? Have you ever felt like there was a darker side to you? In the classic Rubart style he threads a Jekyll/Hyde theme that breaks the barrier between good and evil.
Toren wrestles with himself as he discovers how dangerous his anger has become. What happened to his football career? Can Toren recover his life and become a better person? I must mention the friction between him and his wife. What great writing the author achieved showing their love/hate relationship. It would be so hard to forgive Toren for his behavior but can he change his wife's mind? Will Toren find strength to fight the evilness inside of him? There is much to gleam from this story of hope and redemption.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.
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