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Saturday, October 10, 2015
You are in for a spritual renewing as you read this very life changing book. Growing up as a preacher's kid, I can totally relate to his description of a pew rat. I went to church every time the doors were open. I acted prim and proper and did all the right things. However, I didn't grasp the concept of what being a Christian was. As the author explains,"Without the gospel, we lack the proper understanding of any doctrine , and especially a robust knowing of God himself." We need to keep Christ as the center and glorify Him.
This book has so many profound nuggets that I couldn't put it down. It has energized me, opened my eyes to the fact that even though we may drift away from Him, His arms are wide open. He is ready to embrace us, and welcome us back with His unconditional love.
Worship has always been very special to me. It is my time to get lost in His presence and forget everyone and everything around me. I now understand that as we worship, we are being prepared to hear the incredible Word. The words written about the gospel in this book is described by, " the gospel burrows deep into your heart, your joy will be inexpressible , uncontainable, and completely understandable- because Jesus is incredible."
Just as parents are excited to hear from their children, God wants to hear from us. He wants us to spend time with Him, talk to Him, and have a deep relationship with Him. If we can commit ourselves to Him, the enemy has no way into our lives. It is also important to surround ourselves with "people who aren't fenced in, friends who have the right to speak into your life at any time about anything. You need other Christians who are willing to say the hard things, ones who are ready to speak the truth in love." It may not be easy to hear the truth from your friends, but it is important to have accountability with others. They are there to encourage you, speak truth and love you.
As we renew our relationship with God, we need to be out sharing who He is with others. We are called 'to be His hands and feet" , not to sit around and keep the gospel to ourselves. Thank you for writing such an incredible book that stirs us to the core and fills us with new energy as we ugo out and spread the Good News to others.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
This book has so many profound nuggets that I couldn't put it down. It has energized me, opened my eyes to the fact that even though we may drift away from Him, His arms are wide open. He is ready to embrace us, and welcome us back with His unconditional love.
Worship has always been very special to me. It is my time to get lost in His presence and forget everyone and everything around me. I now understand that as we worship, we are being prepared to hear the incredible Word. The words written about the gospel in this book is described by, " the gospel burrows deep into your heart, your joy will be inexpressible , uncontainable, and completely understandable- because Jesus is incredible."
Just as parents are excited to hear from their children, God wants to hear from us. He wants us to spend time with Him, talk to Him, and have a deep relationship with Him. If we can commit ourselves to Him, the enemy has no way into our lives. It is also important to surround ourselves with "people who aren't fenced in, friends who have the right to speak into your life at any time about anything. You need other Christians who are willing to say the hard things, ones who are ready to speak the truth in love." It may not be easy to hear the truth from your friends, but it is important to have accountability with others. They are there to encourage you, speak truth and love you.
As we renew our relationship with God, we need to be out sharing who He is with others. We are called 'to be His hands and feet" , not to sit around and keep the gospel to ourselves. Thank you for writing such an incredible book that stirs us to the core and fills us with new energy as we ugo out and spread the Good News to others.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
The book is a great insight into the early trauma Ms. Tomlinson endured. Even at a very early age, the lies of the enemy can attack us . She began to believe that she was at fault for the horrible sexual attacks against her and that set the stage for fear to run rampant in her life. As we are aware of, the enemy tries to lure you away from God. He will try anything from lies, abuse , and depression to get you to stray away from God. If he can achieve that, he has put chains around you and you become a prisoner in you own body , mind and soul.
I loved the author's testimony and how she overcame the lies of the enemy. She is honest and clear as she takes readers through steps that will help you become stronger, overcome lies that have kept you chained to depression and thoughts if worthlessness. We are not responsible for ungodly acts done to us, but we can overcome them by the word of God.
The book is very encouraging and empowers readers to unlock those shackles that are lies and walk in authority of unfailing love "All that matters is what God says about you." " Don't waste another moment of time believing the lies of satan. Walk in truth and live forever free!"
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
I loved the author's testimony and how she overcame the lies of the enemy. She is honest and clear as she takes readers through steps that will help you become stronger, overcome lies that have kept you chained to depression and thoughts if worthlessness. We are not responsible for ungodly acts done to us, but we can overcome them by the word of God.
The book is very encouraging and empowers readers to unlock those shackles that are lies and walk in authority of unfailing love "All that matters is what God says about you." " Don't waste another moment of time believing the lies of satan. Walk in truth and live forever free!"
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
The book is very insightful and give you practical tools to walk in forgiveness , and live a free life in His presence. The author talks about how God is "never finished with us." We are a work in progress and should always seek intimacy with God. We should be excited to know that He wants good things for us and to continue to seek Him. One of the things some of us forget , is the importance of our relationship with God. He should be the one you call on in times of need and also have a desire to spend intimate time with Him.
It's like meeting a friend and wanting to get to know them better. That is what we should be doing with God. The more time we spend with Him, the less the enemy can whisper lies to us. We have been set free and need to start accepting our freedom. The enemy is always close by waiting for a narrow path to slip in. As we become strong in our faith, the passageway closes and locks out the enemy from our lives. I loved the author's example of tearing down walls that keep us from living a free life. Don't let your circumstances dictate your freedom.
He loves his children and does not want to see us struggling with depression, feelin worthless, or unloved. We need to take authority of those lies and rest in His assurance that , " he will never leave us, nor forsake us."
As Christians we can become complacent in our relationship with God and this book gives us encouragement and tools to rebuild trust with Him.
The book is a very practical tool to show you how you can be free from distraction caused by the enemy. Ms. Tomlinson says, " As you trust Him, and your roots grow deeper in His love, you will grow stronger." "There is no greater promise than His."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
It's like meeting a friend and wanting to get to know them better. That is what we should be doing with God. The more time we spend with Him, the less the enemy can whisper lies to us. We have been set free and need to start accepting our freedom. The enemy is always close by waiting for a narrow path to slip in. As we become strong in our faith, the passageway closes and locks out the enemy from our lives. I loved the author's example of tearing down walls that keep us from living a free life. Don't let your circumstances dictate your freedom.
He loves his children and does not want to see us struggling with depression, feelin worthless, or unloved. We need to take authority of those lies and rest in His assurance that , " he will never leave us, nor forsake us."
As Christians we can become complacent in our relationship with God and this book gives us encouragement and tools to rebuild trust with Him.
The book is a very practical tool to show you how you can be free from distraction caused by the enemy. Ms. Tomlinson says, " As you trust Him, and your roots grow deeper in His love, you will grow stronger." "There is no greater promise than His."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
Adrien has been in love with Gracie since they were going through their awkward years. They have a very sweet relationship where they were best friends. It was nice to be able to have that bond with the opposite sex and not feel awkward about it. There was s time when Adrian was so deeply in love with Gracie, that he proposed. She turned him down which must have made him feel a little rejected and somewhat aloof around her after she said no.
Adrian returns to his home with a well earned degree and has dreams of building his dream house. He is ready to try again with Gracie, but is she willing to rekindle their relationship? Adrian is one of those guys everyone likes. He is nice, confident and willing to go slow where Gracie is concerned. I'm sure he doesn't want a repeat of their last encounter when he heard those awful words , "No I will not marry you." That's enough to crush even the strongest personality and be a little cautious the next time around.
Gracie has a son whose name is Brett. He is a great kid and adds a sparkle to the story. Adrian will have to find a way to get Brett to like him. He decides to go slow and let their relationship build as a mutual respect develops between him and Brett. Gracie does a good job of providing a loving environment for her child. She works hard but still has some past issues she hasn't dealt with it. Can Gracie find a way to dissolve her abandonment issues and let Adrian back into her life? Will past mistakes keep them apart?
This is a sweet story about two friends who were once upon a time were in love . With trials, love and understanding , they may have a chance of a real deep commitment this time. Love does seem to conquer all.
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review
Adrian returns to his home with a well earned degree and has dreams of building his dream house. He is ready to try again with Gracie, but is she willing to rekindle their relationship? Adrian is one of those guys everyone likes. He is nice, confident and willing to go slow where Gracie is concerned. I'm sure he doesn't want a repeat of their last encounter when he heard those awful words , "No I will not marry you." That's enough to crush even the strongest personality and be a little cautious the next time around.
Gracie has a son whose name is Brett. He is a great kid and adds a sparkle to the story. Adrian will have to find a way to get Brett to like him. He decides to go slow and let their relationship build as a mutual respect develops between him and Brett. Gracie does a good job of providing a loving environment for her child. She works hard but still has some past issues she hasn't dealt with it. Can Gracie find a way to dissolve her abandonment issues and let Adrian back into her life? Will past mistakes keep them apart?
This is a sweet story about two friends who were once upon a time were in love . With trials, love and understanding , they may have a chance of a real deep commitment this time. Love does seem to conquer all.
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review
Friday, October 9, 2015
Oh the sweet journey of returning to an era rich in knights, lovely fair maidens and a story filled with excitement that starts on the first page. Imagine watching a jousting match where the rush begins at the sound of the strong and mighty horses as they gallop across the arena. The two opponents are at attention with determination coursing through their veins. The shields are up, helmets on and swords at the ready. Who will win this fight?
That is writing at its very best as the author grabs you and takes you on a ride that doesn't end till the last page. The secret of that match just happens to be a very intensely trained knight whose name is Gwendolyn. Her opponent that day was none other than her maid whose jobs he thought was to keep the young lady Gwendolyn's hair perfect and in her attire in impeccable order. Gwendolyn's father would be furious if he had any idea that his daughter was doing such out of character things like being in a jousting match.
Gwen is a very strong young lady with dreams that will disappoint her father. There are great character developments in the story and a great message that the author addresses with grace as she shows how God views women. There will be times during the story where some will experience the love of a God like never before.
Will Gwen follow her dream or submit to her father's wish and marry someone whom she detests?
I found myself really liking Rosalind a lot. She has a sweet spirit and willing to help Gwen without questioning her motives. She will become an interesting character in this story and much more as the next book in the series will feature her as the main character.
The author tackles tough issues that women faced during this time period with wisdom and knowledge of the era. Some may argue that the history is not correct or the message was not clear in the book, but for me it was a book filled with adventure, God's love and a look into the medival times through an author's perspective.
I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.
That is writing at its very best as the author grabs you and takes you on a ride that doesn't end till the last page. The secret of that match just happens to be a very intensely trained knight whose name is Gwendolyn. Her opponent that day was none other than her maid whose jobs he thought was to keep the young lady Gwendolyn's hair perfect and in her attire in impeccable order. Gwendolyn's father would be furious if he had any idea that his daughter was doing such out of character things like being in a jousting match.
Gwen is a very strong young lady with dreams that will disappoint her father. There are great character developments in the story and a great message that the author addresses with grace as she shows how God views women. There will be times during the story where some will experience the love of a God like never before.
Will Gwen follow her dream or submit to her father's wish and marry someone whom she detests?
I found myself really liking Rosalind a lot. She has a sweet spirit and willing to help Gwen without questioning her motives. She will become an interesting character in this story and much more as the next book in the series will feature her as the main character.
The author tackles tough issues that women faced during this time period with wisdom and knowledge of the era. Some may argue that the history is not correct or the message was not clear in the book, but for me it was a book filled with adventure, God's love and a look into the medival times through an author's perspective.
I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.
Joy is all set to marry, but suddenly her fiancé backs out and she decides to take the honeymoon trip on her own. She travels to Puerto Rico and stays at a lovely Bed &Breakfast Inn where her friend Ramona is the owner. As a travel agent, Joy knew this would a breathtaking place to explore, but she never intended to be here alone.
Joy settles in for her two week stay and meets Ramona's nephew, Ben. He becomes her tour guide and takes her to historic places that Joy had read about. Ben knows that Joy is hurting from the traumatic breakup, but he hopes to ease her pain with kindness. One evening as they are dining at a restaurant the subject of how they each have experienced the loss of a parent and the loneliness it brough lonely was painful to overcome . . Their loss is hard for each of them and Ben tells Joy, "Look at it as the rainbow after the rain. What we see as painful , God can use for good."
The author has written a beautiful story about two people each seeking answers from God to direct their path. Will Joy be able to forgive her fiancé and open her heart to someone else? Can Ben convince her to stay in Puerto Rico? Their relationship begins slowly like a delicate flower and blossoms as they each open their heart to His guiding. They begin to spend more time together and Joy starts to feel relaxed and happy around Ben.
The story is filled with the history of Puerto Rico and sites that take your breath away as the author uses expressive words to make the history come to life. I loved how she showed Joy praying and seeking God to heal her hurts. The book is a lovely story of taking chances and relying on faith and and listening to the wisdom God speaks . I encourage readers of light romance to read this book and explore with Joy and Ben as they take you on a journey of love, forgiveness and believing in yourself. As you read this book remember, "I'm learning we're all broken in some way, but God sees us as perfect ."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review .
Joy settles in for her two week stay and meets Ramona's nephew, Ben. He becomes her tour guide and takes her to historic places that Joy had read about. Ben knows that Joy is hurting from the traumatic breakup, but he hopes to ease her pain with kindness. One evening as they are dining at a restaurant the subject of how they each have experienced the loss of a parent and the loneliness it brough lonely was painful to overcome . . Their loss is hard for each of them and Ben tells Joy, "Look at it as the rainbow after the rain. What we see as painful , God can use for good."
The author has written a beautiful story about two people each seeking answers from God to direct their path. Will Joy be able to forgive her fiancé and open her heart to someone else? Can Ben convince her to stay in Puerto Rico? Their relationship begins slowly like a delicate flower and blossoms as they each open their heart to His guiding. They begin to spend more time together and Joy starts to feel relaxed and happy around Ben.
The story is filled with the history of Puerto Rico and sites that take your breath away as the author uses expressive words to make the history come to life. I loved how she showed Joy praying and seeking God to heal her hurts. The book is a lovely story of taking chances and relying on faith and and listening to the wisdom God speaks . I encourage readers of light romance to read this book and explore with Joy and Ben as they take you on a journey of love, forgiveness and believing in yourself. As you read this book remember, "I'm learning we're all broken in some way, but God sees us as perfect ."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review .
Melissa Lenhardt
Big Secrets Run Deep.

With a low crime rate and a five-man police force, he expected it to be a nice, easy gig; hot checks, traffic violations, some drugs, occasional domestic disturbances, and petty theft. Instead, within a week he is investigating a staged murder-suicide, uncovering a decades’ old skeleton buried in the woods, and managing the first crime wave in thirty years.
For help navigating his unfamiliar, small-town surroundings, Jack turns to Ellie Martin, one of the most respected women in town—her scandal-filled past notwithstanding. Despite Jack’s murky marriage status and the disapproval of Ethan and the town, they are immediately drawn to each other.
As Jack and Ellie struggle with their budding relationship, they unearth shattering secrets long buried and discover the two cases Jack is working, though fifty years apart, share a surprising connection that will rattle the town to its core.
“Secrets, lies, and betrayals run through STILLWATER like irrigation through dry land. Melissa Lenhardt’s writing drips with detail to create a story that rushes like a wave toward an ever-twisting ending. Don’t let the name fool you; STILLWATER’s threats lie right below the surface.” —Diane Vallere, bestselling author of the Material Witness, Madison Night, and Style & Error Mysteries
“Dangerous things lurk beneath the placid surface in Stillwater, Texas. Secrets shunning the light of day, decades-old betrayals, lies that have taken on a life of their own. Moody and atmospheric, utterly compelling, you don’t want to miss Melissa Lenhardt’s marvelous debut novel, STILLWATER.” --Harry Hunsicker, former Executive Vice President of the Mystery Writers of America, author of THE GRID
"Crisp and pacy writing pulls you in deep from page one, when Jack McBride strides into a crime scene and a world of trouble. STILLWATER is the perfect combination of a tightly plotted tale peopled by rich, complex characters (plus one or two deliciously hateful true baddies). Slashed budgets, racial tensions, messy pasts - this small town is anything but cozy. The mystery itself is a classic puzzle, though: clever and convincing. Roll on Jack #2!" —Catriona McPherson, Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity–winning author of the Edgar-nominated The Day She Died
Small-town loyalties and long-simmering secrets combine for a compelling page-turner! A fish-out-of-water lawman and his adolescent son try to escape the past in not-so-cozy Stillwater, Texas --but soon they're battling corruption, revenge, and murder. Fast-paced dialogue, an authentic setting, and engaging characters--Stillwater is a one-sitting read.
- Hank Phillippi Ryan - Agatha, Anthony, Macavity, Daphne and Mary Higgins Clark award winning author
STILLWATER runs deep with intrigue, passion, and long-buried secrets. Melissa Lenhardt weaves a rich tale of suspense as hot as the east Texas town in which it's set.
- Annette Dashofy, USA Today best-selling author of the Zoe Chambers mysteries
With a twisting plot, nonstop action and a sexy, complex protagonist you'll root for from page one, Lenhardt brings the town of Stillwater, Texas (pop. 2,436), and all its long-buried secrets, to life. Fast-paced and tightly-written, STILLWATER is a must-read for anyone who loves great crime fiction. Book two can't come soon enough!
- Wendy Tyson, author of Killer Image and Deadly Assets.
Chapter One
A line of flashing blue and red lights led the way to a pale green single- wide trailer. Firemen, sheriff deputies, and EMTs huddled in front of the house, talking, looking around, and laughing. All eyes turned to Jack McBride’s car as it pulled into the dirt-packed front yard, which doubled as the driveway.
Jack set the alarm on his phone. “Stay in the car,” he told his thirteen- year-old son, Ethan. He opened the door, got out, and leaned back in. “I mean it.”
“I know, Dad.”
Neighbors grouped behind yellow crime-scene tape. Some wore paja- mas, others wore work clothes. Women held babies, children craned their necks to see better, eager for information to share at school. A young officer guarded them—Officer Nathan Starling.
It was his file that had fallen from Jack’s lap when he was startled awake by the early morning call. If Jack hadn’t read Starling was the youngest and newest member of the force, he would have guessed it from his role as crowd control. Starling shifted on his feet and looked over his shoulder at the crowd, as if debating whether he should leave his post to introduce himself or stay put. Jack waved an acknowledgment to him and moved toward the trailer.
Jack nodded at the group of first responders as he walked by and received a couple of muttered hellos in return. Some looked from Jack to Ethan and then back. Jack climbed the uneven concrete steps, stopped at the door, and put on paper booties and gloves. Behind him, he heard a low conversation start back up, the words alone, wife, and no one knows carrying across the yard as if announced through a bullhorn. The screen door slapped shut behind him, cutting off the rest of the conversation.
The smell of chili, paprika, and cumin hung in the air of the trailer. Flimsy wooden cabinets topped with a chipped orange Formica counter were wedged against the back wall of the main room by a strip of ugly, peeling linoleum. Brown shag carpet, flattened by years of traffic, marked off the living area of the room. Left of the door, under a loud window unit dripping condensation, sat a couch of indeterminate color too large for the room. A black-haired man with bloodshot eyes and a green tinge underneath his dark skin sat on the couch, chewing his nails. He looked up at Jack and stopped chewing—a signal for his leg to start bouncing. A bull-necked police officer, his thumbs crooked underneath his gun belt, stood guard over the man.
“Officer Freeman,” Jack said.
If Michael Freeman was surprised Jack knew who he was, he didn’t show it. His face remained expressionless.
“Chief McBride.”
A third officer stood at the mouth of the hallway to the right with a portly, elderly man. Relief washed over the officer’s face. He moved for- ward, hand outstretched. “Chief McBride,” he said. “Miner Jesson. This here is Doc Poole.”
Jack shook their hands.“Sorry to meet you under these circumstances, Dr. Poole.”
“Helluva case to get on your first day, eh?” the doctor said.
Jack nodded and gave a brief smile. He pulled gloves and more paper booties from his coat pocket and handed them to Jesson and the doctor. Jack walked down the hall and entered the room. Jesson stopped at the door.
“Gilberto and Rosa Ramos,” Jesson said. “Found dead this morning by Diego Vasquez.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the man sitting on the couch. “Says he’s Rosa’s brother. He don’t speak much English, but from what I gathered, he came to pick Gilberto up for work and heard the baby screaming. When no one answered, he let himself in. Door was open. Found them just like that.”
They were both nude. The woman lay face down, covering half of the man’s body. The right side of the man’s head was blown across the pillow. Blood and brain matter were sprayed across the bed, under the woman and onto the floor. A clump of long dark hair was stuck to the window with blood. Her right arm extended across the man’s chest, a gun held lightly in her grip.
Jack walked around the bed.
Doc Poole stood next to Officer Jesson. “It takes a special kind of anger to kill someone you are in the middle of fucking, doncha think?” Doc Poole said. “Ever see that in the F-B-I?” Derision dripped from every letter.
Jack ignored him. “Where’s the baby?”
Jack hoped the revulsion on Jesson’s face meant scenes like this were rare in Stillwater. If he had wanted to deal with shit like this on a regular basis, he would have taken a better-paying job in a larger town.
“Officer Jesson?” Jack said. “Where’s the baby?” “Oh. It’s with a neighbor.”
“Has anyone called CPS?”
“To take care of the baby.”
“The neighbor offered.”
“And what do we know about this neighbor?”
He shrugged. “She didn’t speak much English.”
“So, she could be in the next county by now?”
“Oh, I doubt that,” Jesson said. “She seemed like a nice sort. Very
Jack cocked his head and puzzled over whether his most senior officer
was ignorant, naive, or an amazing judge of character.
He turned his attention to Doc Poole. “What’s the time of death?” “Sometime last night.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“Didn’t see the need. Seems pretty obvious what happened.”
“Oh, are you a detective?”
“No. I’m a general practitioner.”
“You’re the JP, aren’t you?”
“No. I used to be.” He chuckled. “Too old for this now.”
“Yet, here you are.”
“JP is on the way, Chief,” Jesson said.
Jack kept his focus on Doctor Poole. “So you heard this over the radio
and decided to come? Or did someone call you?”
“Do you have the instruments necessary to establish a time of death?” “Not with me, but—”
“Then get off my crime scene.”
The little man straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin. “I can
see why Jane Maxwell liked you.” He started to leave but turned back. “We do things different here in Stillwater.”
“Not anymore we don’t,” Jack said.

By Deana Dick
Jack seems to be adjusting to the slow pace as chief of police, but that is about to change very soon. A call comes in about a a couple who has been found dead and the scene is anything but ordinary. The crime scene is grisly and Jack has many questions about this suspicious murder. As the investigation continues, another mystery surfaces. It seems that a skeleton has turned up on someone's land. How long has this skeleton been here? The quiet town Jack thought he came to has suddenly become quite a busy time for the police.
The author weaves a great tale of "the good old boys" thinking where many sectrets have been kept and . Their attitude has been look the other way when a crime is committed in exchange for favors. Can Jack take on this tight knit group and uncover crimes that have long been hidden? There are great characters in the story that keep the reader interested and the intrigue is well written. The book is a story of corruption, murder and dark secrets nestled in a small town where nothing is what it seems.
I was given a copy of this book from Lone Star Lit Life for an honest review
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Thursday, October 8, 2015
Harper Worth finds herself out of a job because of a critique she did of a restaurant. She decides to move back to Findlay Roads with her sister to start over. She starts looking for a job in the quaint little town and finds herself at the Rusty Anchor. It's a small restaurant compared to the ones she is accustomed to dining at and doing critiques for. Harper is desperate for a job and soon finds herself trying out for a position as a server at the restsurant.
Connor Callahan is the owner /chef of the Rusty Anchor. He observes Harper working hard to keep up with the orders. He calls her into his office and Harper thinks she is going to be offered the job. To her surprise , Connor is angry and lashes out at her. It's funny how your past can catch up with you. Connor reminds her of a very harsh review she did for a restaurant that essentially closed the place down and ruined the owner's life. Can you guess who that owner was?
As the story progresses, Harper has been hired full time at the restaurant because Connor is in dire need of help. He tells her it is hard to compete with the other restaurants in the area. The tourists want to dine at fancy places and Connor needs a plan to get his restaurant back on the map. Can Harper help him re establish his restaurant and get his confidence back? Will the locals and tourists find the Rusty Anchor a place that has the best food in town ?
The author does a great job with the banter between the two characters. It's almost like a love, hate relationship. Will romance blossom between Connon and Harper? Connor starts Harper off doing dirty chores around the restaurant . It seems he hasn't quite forgiven her for the past. I loved when Connor says," If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
If you are looking for a funny story filled with intrigue, determination and a light romance, this book will not disappoint. Be prepared to smile as you read, and believe in second chances.
I received a free copy of this book from Goodreads giveaway for an honest review.
Connor Callahan is the owner /chef of the Rusty Anchor. He observes Harper working hard to keep up with the orders. He calls her into his office and Harper thinks she is going to be offered the job. To her surprise , Connor is angry and lashes out at her. It's funny how your past can catch up with you. Connor reminds her of a very harsh review she did for a restaurant that essentially closed the place down and ruined the owner's life. Can you guess who that owner was?
As the story progresses, Harper has been hired full time at the restaurant because Connor is in dire need of help. He tells her it is hard to compete with the other restaurants in the area. The tourists want to dine at fancy places and Connor needs a plan to get his restaurant back on the map. Can Harper help him re establish his restaurant and get his confidence back? Will the locals and tourists find the Rusty Anchor a place that has the best food in town ?
The author does a great job with the banter between the two characters. It's almost like a love, hate relationship. Will romance blossom between Connon and Harper? Connor starts Harper off doing dirty chores around the restaurant . It seems he hasn't quite forgiven her for the past. I loved when Connor says," If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
If you are looking for a funny story filled with intrigue, determination and a light romance, this book will not disappoint. Be prepared to smile as you read, and believe in second chances.
I received a free copy of this book from Goodreads giveaway for an honest review.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Lexie Logan is upset as she awaits her family's return home. She has upsetting news and isn't sure if she made the right decision. As her family listens intently, she tells them that she has broken her engagement to Lance. They are surprised and ask her why she broke the engagement . Lexie tells them that Lance wanted to go to Guatemala and have her by his side as they become missionaries .
Her brother comes to her and says, "what does God want you to do?" She told him that she hasn't asked Him yet. But she knows why she hasn't asked the Lord. "Because I'm afraid , Lord! I'm afraid the answer you'll give me isn't what I want to hear." How many times have we done the same thing? We don't ask because we are afraid of the answer. She knows that her place is to be with Lance and become a missionary, but she can't go. She feels she has valid reasons why she shouldn't go and tries to justify her reason to break up with Lance. How many of us hear the call on our life and find excuses to ignore Him?
Lexi dismisses her encounter with God and heads to the university to put her application in for the Master of Arts program. She is told that there will be a little wait before she can speak with a counselor. Lexi decides to go to the library to wait. She grows tired and lays her hear down to rest. Much to her surprise when she wakes up , she is in a strange place. She finds herself in the Kansas prairie in the year 1857.
This begins a journey for Lexi that will bring her face to face with wagon trains, a family that takes her in and an unforgettable story of faith, forgiveness, second chances and realizing she can't run from God or her destiny. Will she allow God to show her that she can fulfill her destiny? Can Lexi minister to these people who have opened their home to her?
The author has written a story rich in history and reminds us of the struggles of men and women long ago. Lexi faces many obstacles and sometimes cries out to God begging Him to let her go home. The story weaves biblical lessons and scriptures that capture the essence of God's love and plans for us. I am so thankful I was able to read this moving story that has a message for everyone. "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I received a copy of this book from The Book Club Network for an honest review.
Her brother comes to her and says, "what does God want you to do?" She told him that she hasn't asked Him yet. But she knows why she hasn't asked the Lord. "Because I'm afraid , Lord! I'm afraid the answer you'll give me isn't what I want to hear." How many times have we done the same thing? We don't ask because we are afraid of the answer. She knows that her place is to be with Lance and become a missionary, but she can't go. She feels she has valid reasons why she shouldn't go and tries to justify her reason to break up with Lance. How many of us hear the call on our life and find excuses to ignore Him?
Lexi dismisses her encounter with God and heads to the university to put her application in for the Master of Arts program. She is told that there will be a little wait before she can speak with a counselor. Lexi decides to go to the library to wait. She grows tired and lays her hear down to rest. Much to her surprise when she wakes up , she is in a strange place. She finds herself in the Kansas prairie in the year 1857.
This begins a journey for Lexi that will bring her face to face with wagon trains, a family that takes her in and an unforgettable story of faith, forgiveness, second chances and realizing she can't run from God or her destiny. Will she allow God to show her that she can fulfill her destiny? Can Lexi minister to these people who have opened their home to her?
The author has written a story rich in history and reminds us of the struggles of men and women long ago. Lexi faces many obstacles and sometimes cries out to God begging Him to let her go home. The story weaves biblical lessons and scriptures that capture the essence of God's love and plans for us. I am so thankful I was able to read this moving story that has a message for everyone. "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I received a copy of this book from The Book Club Network for an honest review.
The story is about a woman determined to build a high-end housing development. Such a big dream for a woman who is essentially on her own, some people may think. That doesn't stop Molly for going full speed ahead. Molly needs to find someone that will help her go forward with the building with much needed funds. She meets Paul, who will hopefully be her answer to building this big project . The author touches on the strained relationship between Molly and her dad, which explains her determination to do the impossible task some people think she won't finish.
There is romance blooming between Molly and Paul that makes the story fun as they explore their feelings. At times it seemed like maybe they were holding back a bit. Is it possible they have secrets they are hiding from each other? Molly's character was very well developed . The author shows how working in a "man's world " can sometimes be difficult but Molly had such heart and enthusiasm for the project which helped get respect from others who had doubted her.
The book at times did slow a little but overall the story was written with characters who were inspiring and fun to read about. It was a light hearted book that is perfect for an enjoyable day to relax , get comfortable and enjoy a well written story .
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review.
There is romance blooming between Molly and Paul that makes the story fun as they explore their feelings. At times it seemed like maybe they were holding back a bit. Is it possible they have secrets they are hiding from each other? Molly's character was very well developed . The author shows how working in a "man's world " can sometimes be difficult but Molly had such heart and enthusiasm for the project which helped get respect from others who had doubted her.
The book at times did slow a little but overall the story was written with characters who were inspiring and fun to read about. It was a light hearted book that is perfect for an enjoyable day to relax , get comfortable and enjoy a well written story .
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Jim and Sara lead a quiet life with their two sons. Everything seems to be going well for them until Jim gets a mysterious call one day. The caller on the line is saying they are Jim's daughter. Jim is beside himself and can't explain the weird calls to his wife. There is a knock on the door one day and there stands a young girl who says her name is Rachel. She says she is Jim's daughter and seems to know a lot about the family. Who is this girl? Rachel is upset because Jim keeps denying he is her father. Rachel doesn't understand why the house she grew up in looks so different. She says she wants to come home and has nowhere else to go. Can you say bizarre? Where did Rachel come from? The story at this point takes a twist so unexpected that I had to read faster to see what was going to happen next.
As I started reading more of the story, I suddenly felt like I was reading a script from "The Twilight Zone." The author had me so engrossed in the book, I couldn't put it down. The characters are so well written and very convincing , I wasn't sure who was telling the truth at times. As Jim keeps everybody believing that Rachel is not his daughter, a new layer to the story unfolds. Will the real father please stand up?
I love a good mystery that has plots that follow a twisting road and this book is packed with twists and turns and layers of secrets that will blow you away. The story was drawing to a close when I suddenly realized that the author had brilliantly written a mystery so perfect that no one will ever see the end coming. The last few chapters will have you questioning who is really telling the truth? Be prepared for the explosive ending that was masterfully written with more then just a girl trying to reconnect to her father. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves a mystery thriller. It is not your typical mystery where it is easy to figure out. It is a well crafted story that has everything that will have reader wanting to read more from this author.
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review.
As I started reading more of the story, I suddenly felt like I was reading a script from "The Twilight Zone." The author had me so engrossed in the book, I couldn't put it down. The characters are so well written and very convincing , I wasn't sure who was telling the truth at times. As Jim keeps everybody believing that Rachel is not his daughter, a new layer to the story unfolds. Will the real father please stand up?
I love a good mystery that has plots that follow a twisting road and this book is packed with twists and turns and layers of secrets that will blow you away. The story was drawing to a close when I suddenly realized that the author had brilliantly written a mystery so perfect that no one will ever see the end coming. The last few chapters will have you questioning who is really telling the truth? Be prepared for the explosive ending that was masterfully written with more then just a girl trying to reconnect to her father. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves a mystery thriller. It is not your typical mystery where it is easy to figure out. It is a well crafted story that has everything that will have reader wanting to read more from this author.
I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review.
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