The opening scene is so explosive that I sat on the edge of my seat. The author knows how to grab a reader's attention within a few sentences. What would you do if you saw a vehicle trying to overpower another one? Colby sees that very scenario right in front of him on the freeway. His instincts kick in and he maneuvers his way to help whoever is being attacked on the road. The intense drama is spectacular and I immediately knew I wouldn't be able to put the book down.
Colby is a bounty hunter, has served time in the service and has a goal to save his sister who has a devastating tumor. There is only one person who has the knowledge to save his sister's life. Dr. Regan Lockhart is a top notch neurosurgeon who believes she can save Colby's sister. In a split second their lives change when Regan's daughter is kidnapped. As any mother would do, she is willing to sacrifice anything to save her child. Will she risk her practice, and her patients lives in order to save her child? Who wants the virus that Regan has developed and why? The medical terminology is spot on and shows how much research the author has done to make it realistic. I loved the action that never stopped and thought that Colby and Regan worked well together.
It's a race to the very end as the threat of evil tries to take control of the drug that Regan has. When bodies start dropping and the military get involved, Colby has to decipher who he can trust. The author keeps readers glued to the story with high voltage intrigue and a race to find out who is behind the danger Colby and Regan find themselves in. The book easily sends shivers down your spine as the story weaves through labs that become unsafe and a list of people who suddenly can't be trusted. Get ready for an ending that leave you speechless.
The review is my own opinion.
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Saturday, September 2, 2017
What a wonderful story this is that takes you to Brazil and other places that open your eyes to a different culture. I loved how the author told a story about missionary work and the people who devote their lives to helping those who live in villages that all but forgotten. As I began to read about Piper I started to really connect with her story. I loved that she was a pilot and and a mechanic. She is very smart and doesn't make decisions without praying about it first.
Kyle is a missionary that flies people to the villages and also helps wherever he is needed. I loved his heart for the people and his willingness to go deep into the jungles to rescue people. The food Kyle and Piper encounter when they go on a mission trip to deliver supplies was quite interesting. I don't think I could eat some of the food . They had to worry about malaria while they are there and that must be hard for people to deal with when they have little to protect them from mosquitoes. Working in the field takes a special person and this story really opened my eyes to the long hours they put in.
Piper is not sure if she should stay in the Amazons or go back home when a new opportunity arises. I loved reading about the medicines needed and all the work it takes to get it to the people living in the jungles. The author depicts a perfect picture of what missionaries go through as they work closely with the people. I can't imagine the danger, health risks and language barriers they face each day. The story is very well written and keeps readers intrigued with an adventure that finds Piper learning to trust God more . I loved the talk she had with her dad and the confession she made to him. Throughout the story you will find God's fingerprints directing characters to His plan for their lives and protecting them from harm. I can't wait to read the next book in this exciting series
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
What a wonderful story this is that takes you to Brazil and other places that open your eyes to a different culture. I loved how the author told a story about missionary work and the people who devote their lives to helping those who live in villages that all but forgotten. As I began to read about Piper I started to really connect with her story. I loved that she was a pilot and and a mechanic. She is very smart and doesn't make decisions without praying about it first.
Kyle is a missionary that flies people to the villages and also helps wherever he is needed. I loved his heart for the people and his willingness to go deep into the jungles to rescue people. The food Kyle and Piper encounter when they go on a mission trip to deliver supplies was quite interesting. I don't think I could eat some of the food . They had to worry about malaria while they are there and that must be hard for people to deal with when they have little to protect them from mosquitoes. Working in the field takes a special person and this story really opened my eyes to the long hours they put in.
Piper is not sure if she should stay in the Amazons or go back home when a new opportunity arises. I loved reading about the medicines needed and all the work it takes to get it to the people living in the jungles. The author depicts a perfect picture of what missionaries go through as they work closely with the people. I can't imagine the danger, health risks and language barriers they face each day. The story is very well written and keeps readers intrigued with an adventure that finds Piper learning to trust God more . I loved the talk she had with her dad and the confession she made to him. Throughout the story you will find God's fingerprints directing characters to His plan for their lives and protecting them from harm. I can't wait to read the next book in this exciting series
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Dead on the Bayou (A Twin Sisters Mystery)
by June Shaw
I love the unique premise of this novel and series. Identical twins with very different personalities provide a multitude of plot twists and plenty of humor.
~Book Babble
~Book Babble
A quick and enjoyable read…
~Maureen’s Musings
~Maureen’s Musings

Dead on the Bayou (A Twin Sisters Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Lyrical Underground (August 22, 2017)
Paperback: 192 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1516100965

It may be easier to patch up an old home than a broken heart. But along the Louisiana bayou, where beauty and danger mingle all too seamlessly, thoughts of romance may have to simmer on the back burner . . .Twin sisters and fellow divorcees Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn have established their home repair and remodeling business with an eye toward quality and personal attention. So when they’re approached by hunky Dave Price to fix up his bayou fishing camp, they’re more than happy to take the job—especially since they both secretly think he may prove to be more than just another satisfied customer . . .The ramshackle campsite could certainly use a woman’s touch. What it does not need is a dead body—but that’s what the trio stumble across. Clearly, the poor soul was murdered—and once the town tongue-waggers get going, Sunny, Eve, and Dave come under suspicion of the police, not to mention potential clients . . .Now, with their futures on the line, their brewing love triangle will have to wait. Helped—and harried—by the twins’ mother and her retirement home’s cadre of amateur sleuths, the trio starts snooping on their own. But when another dead body turns up, they’ll have to get their hands dirtier than a swamp-bottom snake if they hope to clear their names . . .

About The Author
From the bayou country of South Louisiana, June Shaw previously sold a series of humorous mysteries to Five Star, Harlequin, and Untreed Reads. Publishers Weekly praised her debut, Relative Danger, which became a finalist for the David Award for Best Mystery of the Year. A hybrid author who has published other works, she has represented her state on the board of Mystery Writers of America’s Southwest Chapter for many years and continued to serve as the Published Author Liaison for Romance Writers of America’s Southern Louisiana chapter. She gains inspiration for her work from her faith, family, and friends, including the many readers who urge her on. For more info please visit juneshaw.com.
Purchase Links
Amazon B&N Google Books

I liked the concept of identical twins who may look alike, but they sure don't act alike. It makes for a very entertaining story. Sunny and Eve have opened a remodeling / renovation business. Now I think that would be a tough job for anyone, but they really seem to know what they are doing. I loved the setting of the story in Louisiana. It brings images of swamps and homes secluded in the woods.
The twins have met the owner of the little campsite he wants renovated and are going over plans with him. Dave seemed liked an odd duck. I don't know why but he almost seemed creepy in a "I know you both think I'm good looking sort of way." To say that he was my least favorite character is pretty accurate. As with most cozy mysteries there is always a body found. Leave it to the twins to be the ones to find a dead body at the place they are to remodel.
The town has some quirky characters from the son of the deceased to the funeral director to the gossipy ladies at the retirement home. These characters are well written and gave me chuckles. Why was the son so adamant that one of the twins killed his mother? He was so hostile I started to wonder what he was hiding behind all that anger. There sure are a lot of suspects in the case and when Dave is arrested the twins freak out. They aren't allowed to see him at the jail, so what do they do? They go to the store and get a card to give to him. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Who goes and gets a card for a prisoner and runs back to the police department to have it special delivered to a murder suspect? I found the humor the author has is wonderful. Her little subtle jabs at characters are flawless and very impressive.
The author really keeps readers on their toes as the twins try to zero in on who killed the poor woman found at Dave's place. I had my list of suspects and each time I thought I had it figured out, the author throws a twist in the story . I really enjoyed this story because it was a well thought out plan that takes readers on a rabbit trail which leads back to a very surprising killer. I have become a fan of this author now and can't wait for her next book.
I received a copy of this book from The Great Escape Virtual Tour. The review is my own opinion.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
August 21 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – INTERVIEW
August 21 – Readsalot – SPOTLIGHT
August 22 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW Review Coming Soon!
August 22 – Books, Dreams, Life – SPOTLIGHT
August 23 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST
August 24 – Book Babble – REVIEW
August 25 – Socrates’ Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
August 26 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
August 27 – A Blue Million Books – GUEST POST
August 29 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
August 30 – Maureen’s Musings – REVIEW
August 31 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT
September 1 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
September 2 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
September 2 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
September 3 – deal sharing aunt – SPOTLIGHT
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Friday, September 1, 2017
Growing up as a slave girl, Miriam learned how to be brave-and smart. When her baby brother, Moses, was in grave danger, Miriam and her mom saved his life.
As Miriam matured, she became a gifted musician and discovered other God-given talents. And when God called Miriam-along with her siblings-to guide the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, she was ready to lead.
With God's help, you can be just like Miriam-called and courageous!
Called and Courageous Girls - Bible Heroes That Inspire Your Child's Faith in God
Called and courageous girls are disciples, political and spiritual leaders, philanthropists, moms, businesspeople, evangelists, prophets, and so much more. Called and courageous women of the Bible face overwhelming odds, finding strength, faith, and courage to join God's Story.
Through examples of steadfast faith and-ultimately-God's direction, the Called and Courageous Girls series invites your children to answer God's calling to discover and use their talents, passions, and gifts to journey with Him on a lifelong adventure.
God is calling every courageous hero-including your child- to arise, trust in Him, and join the Greatest Story.
About the Authors:
Rachel Spier Weaver is a recruiter at HOPE International and has worked as a career counselor at the University of Florida and Dickinson College. Her passion is sharing stories of women of God who led in extraordinary ways. She lives with her husband, Shane, and their two children, Norah and Jack.
Anna Haggard is coauthor of "The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good and Mission Drift," a 2015 Christianity Today Book Award winner. A writer and editor for the Brethren in Christ U.S., Anna previously was a staff writer for HOPE International. She is delighted to write for children (her favorite people).
Do you remember going to your high school reunion? It's exciting to see your old friends and reminisce about the old days. You can't wait to see the people you hung out with and find out what they are doing now. But what if a group of you had kept a deep dark secret all these years in hopes no one ever finds out? The story is so intense and edgy I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
Amber was my favorite character because she did so many things to help others. She was a cop, fostered animals and volunteered at a hospice. She wanted to give back but was she doing all these things to overcome guilt of something from long ago? When she decides to go to her high school reunion, she is a bit nervous. Caleb was always good looking and Amber is glad he showed up at the reunion. The night is shattered when someone is murdered as the party is in full swing. I loved the intrigue that surrounds the tight knight group from high school. Whatever secret they have been keeping is about to explode in their face.
I thought it was very clever how the author used cryptic notes to warn the group that they were in danger. The terror they felt was so real, I could almost hear their heart racing. Someone is out for revenge and won't stop till they are all dead. What secret from so long ago, could make a person angry enough to kill? The story is non stop action with characters that are desperate to stay alive. Caleb is such a great detective and is determined to keep Amber and her friend Liv alive. The author always amazes me how she can write a story that keeps you guessing and sends shivers down your spine. I like the way Caleb gently explained how he trusts God but still was fighting with his own personal struggles. I think Amber is having a hard time believing she can be forgiven. The story of David was a perfect example of how God forgives us no matter what we have done. The ending is very emotional and the author gives us an ending that you won't see coming.
. Many of us have done things in our past we are ashamed of. Amber thinks she can't let go of her past and let God heal her. Will Amber find healing and learn to trust God again? Will the killer be found before more people die? This story has intrigue, forgiveness , secrets and the unconditional love of God that bring the story to an exciting and unforgettable ending.
"No matter how awful your past may be, Jesus is not only ready to forgive you, but also to restore you. But you have to be completely honest with where you are ."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Do you remember going to your high school reunion? It's exciting to see your old friends and reminisce about the old days. You can't wait to see the people you hung out with and find out what they are doing now. But what if a group of you had kept a deep dark secret all these years in hopes no one ever finds out? The story is so intense and edgy I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
Amber was my favorite character because she did so many things to help others. She was a cop, fostered animals and volunteered at a hospice. She wanted to give back but was she doing all these things to overcome guilt of something from long ago? When she decides to go to her high school reunion, she is a bit nervous. Caleb was always good looking and Amber is glad he showed up at the reunion. The night is shattered when someone is murdered as the party is in full swing. I loved the intrigue that surrounds the tight knight group from high school. Whatever secret they have been keeping is about to explode in their face.
I thought it was very clever how the author used cryptic notes to warn the group that they were in danger. The terror they felt was so real, I could almost hear their heart racing. Someone is out for revenge and won't stop till they are all dead. What secret from so long ago, could make a person angry enough to kill? The story is non stop action with characters that are desperate to stay alive. Caleb is such a great detective and is determined to keep Amber and her friend Liv alive. The author always amazes me how she can write a story that keeps you guessing and sends shivers down your spine. I like the way Caleb gently explained how he trusts God but still was fighting with his own personal struggles. I think Amber is having a hard time believing she can be forgiven. The story of David was a perfect example of how God forgives us no matter what we have done. The ending is very emotional and the author gives us an ending that you won't see coming.
. Many of us have done things in our past we are ashamed of. Amber thinks she can't let go of her past and let God heal her. Will Amber find healing and learn to trust God again? Will the killer be found before more people die? This story has intrigue, forgiveness , secrets and the unconditional love of God that bring the story to an exciting and unforgettable ending.
"No matter how awful your past may be, Jesus is not only ready to forgive you, but also to restore you. But you have to be completely honest with where you are ."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Don't miss this great Western Adventure by Susan Page Davis
I liked the western flair to this historical story. It has Indians, stage coaches, robbers, a sheriff and a pretty woman who has had a hard life. Carmela has been coerced by her uncle to tell this fabricated story to people since she was twelve years old to collect money from them. Can I just say her uncle is a mean, shady and dishonest man? As you read the story you begin to see how devious her uncle is and how hard she tries to better herself. My heart went out to Carmela as I thought about how scary her childhood must have been.
Freeland is a US Marshall and finds himself on a stagecoach with a prisoner, Carmela and her uncle. The story gets very interesting as the stagecoach finds themselves in danger. I thought Freeland was very brace and I loved how he was so protective of Carmela. They find that they must depend on each other to survive and find help. The author has really written a western story that has all the makings for a movie. The intrigue and action is top notch , the characters are very strong and Carmela's faith is very refreshing. Can Carmela trust Freeland to help her get away from her uncle? Will Freeland be able to help make Carmela be happy? Will she finally live a life in freedom from her past and find love along the way?
I don't want to say more because the story has many elements in there that are vital for readers to grasp. It's not just another western story, but a western story filled with hope, danger, redemption and forgiveness.
I received a copy of this book from The Barbour Publishing Review Crew. The review is my own opinion.
I liked the western flair to this historical story. It has Indians, stage coaches, robbers, a sheriff and a pretty woman who has had a hard life. Carmela has been coerced by her uncle to tell this fabricated story to people since she was twelve years old to collect money from them. Can I just say her uncle is a mean, shady and dishonest man? As you read the story you begin to see how devious her uncle is and how hard she tries to better herself. My heart went out to Carmela as I thought about how scary her childhood must have been.
Freeland is a US Marshall and finds himself on a stagecoach with a prisoner, Carmela and her uncle. The story gets very interesting as the stagecoach finds themselves in danger. I thought Freeland was very brace and I loved how he was so protective of Carmela. They find that they must depend on each other to survive and find help. The author has really written a western story that has all the makings for a movie. The intrigue and action is top notch , the characters are very strong and Carmela's faith is very refreshing. Can Carmela trust Freeland to help her get away from her uncle? Will Freeland be able to help make Carmela be happy? Will she finally live a life in freedom from her past and find love along the way?
I don't want to say more because the story has many elements in there that are vital for readers to grasp. It's not just another western story, but a western story filled with hope, danger, redemption and forgiveness.
I received a copy of this book from The Barbour Publishing Review Crew. The review is my own opinion.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Murder Wears Mittens (Seaside Knitters Society)
by Sally Goldenbaum
Murder Wears Mittens (Seaside Knitters Society)
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Kensington (August 29, 2017)
Hardcover: 272 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1496711021

Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Kensington (August 29, 2017)
Hardcover: 272 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1496711021

As autumn washes over coastal Sea Harbor, Massachusetts, the Seaside Knitters anticipate a relaxing off-season. But when murder shatters the peace, the craftiest bunch in town must unravel a killer’s deadly scheme . . .After retrieving fresh lobster nets from a local Laundromat, Cass Halloran rushes to attend a last-minute gathering with her knitting circle. But Cass can’t stop worrying about the lonely boy seen hanging around the dryers, and the school uniform he left behind in a hurry. When the ladies return the lost clothing the next day, they find the child and his younger sister alone, seemingly abandoned by their mother . . .The knitters intend to facilitate a family reunion, not investigate a crime. But the death of Dolores Cardozo, a recluse from the edge of town, throws the group for a loop. Especially when the missing mother and one of their own become tied to the victim’s hidden fortune—and her murder . . .Before scandalous secrets break bonds and rumors tear Sea Harbor apart, the Seaside Knitters need to string together the truth about Dolores—while preventing a greedy murderer from making another move!* Includes a knitting pattern *
Sally Goldenbaum was born on the shores of Lake Michigan, in Manitowoc, WI, to a homemaker mother and a ship-building father. Although she now lives in landlocked Prairie Village, KS, her longing for lakes and the sea is satisfied in part by writing the USA Today bestselling Seaside Knitters Mystery series
, set on Cape Ann, MA. She is a sometime philosophy teacher, a knitter, and an editor, and the author of more than thirty novels. Her fictional knitting friends are teaching her the intricacies of women’s friendship, the mysteries of small-town living, and the very best way to pick up dropped stitches on a lacy knit shawl.
Follow Sally
Twitter Facebook

Welcome back to another installment of Seaside Knitters Society. You will recognize some familiar characters . I was very intrigued when Cass discovers a young boy at the laundromat. Seeing a young boy is not really unusual, but using Cass's dryer is. It is very peculiar that this boy just throws his clothes in with hers to dry. Can you imagine if you did something like that? The person would not be happy at all. But Cass is sure that something is off with the scene she witnesses with this young boy. Why did he grab his clothes and take off? I loved how Cass involved her fellow knitters in finding out if the boy is alright. It is not safe to see a small child out late at night.
When a woman is found dead the knitters are on the case. I liked how the author weaved a tale which brought into suspicion the young boy's mother named Kayla. How will Kayla explain the bike her family uses found at the home of the murdered woman? With gusto and determination the knitters take Kayla under their wing. They believe she is innocent and are ready to get answers. The plot thickens when the dead woman's will is read. Why did the will shock the town? I loved getting to know Kayla better. She is certainly hiding something and her secret won't stay hidden for long.
My favorite character has to be Dolores . Many people thought she was mean and antisocial. What they didn't know was that she was an extremely intelligent woman with a big heart. She loved doing for others without anyone knowing it was her. She is someone I would love to have sat down and talked with. The author wrote Dolores with mystery surrounding her life and a person that many respected. I thought I had figured out who the killer was, but I was very surprised when the killer was revealed. The book is very intriguing and I loved how it was a true Hitchcock type mystery. I can't wait to read the next book from this author.
I received a copy of this book from The Great Escape Virtual Book Tour. The review is my own opinion.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
August 29 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT
August 30 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – INTERVIEW
August 30 – The Ninja Librarian – REVIEW
August 31 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
September 1 – Socrates’ Book Reviews -REVIEW
September 1 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
September 2 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
September 3 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW
September 4 – Carole’s Book Corner – SPOTLIGHT
September 4 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST
September 5 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW
September 5 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT
September 6 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW
September 7 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW
September 8 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT
September 8 – Cozy Up With Kathy – INTERVIEW
September 9 – Island Confidential – GUEST POST
September 10 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW
September 11 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW
September 11 – Back Porchervations – Review
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Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Don't Miss This Wonderful Story by MERRILEE WHREN
There are so many wonderful things about this book, I'm not sure where to start. The story is mesmerizing and emotional. I loved the characters so much and felt like they were people I would want to know. Heather is a sweet person who has a heart to help people dealing with cancer. Her job as a oncology nurse is perfect for her. I loved how the author explained treatments for cancer patients and the emotional ups and downs they go through. Heather is very involved with raising funds to help families dealing with cancer. I love the connection she has with her church and the support her friends give her.
Max has a lot going on in his life. He has a new job and has moved from his home town to find his biological father's family. When he decides to go see a doctor because he can't seem to get over feeling ill, he gets devastating news. He can't believe at the age of twenty-seven he has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Max is sent to a specialist and is quite surprised when he meets the nurse that will be overseeing his treatment. Heather and Max have a past history that goes back a few years. I loved the initial reaction they both had when they see each other at the doctor's office. What are the chances that someone from your past is now going to be treating you? There is a lot of hurt and unforgiveness that Max will need to work through.
The story is one I found to be so well written I wanted to read it slowly in order to absorb each beautiful detail. It is filled with so much emotion . Can Heather continue to be Max's nurse? Can Max let God show him how to forgive and allow people to help him? Heather is very pushy at times, but Max needs that to keep fighting . This is a story that deals with health issues as well as heart issues. Max is a hurt and troubled person who seeks acceptance . He wants to find family he never knew, but will he find the answers he needs to heal ? It has been hard on him knowing his father never wanted him. Sometimes what we are looking for is right in front of us and sometimes those that love us the most get pushed away. Don't miss this story that shows how trusting God can get you through anything. I look forward to the next book in the series.
"We can't undo the past. We have to forgive and move on."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
There are so many wonderful things about this book, I'm not sure where to start. The story is mesmerizing and emotional. I loved the characters so much and felt like they were people I would want to know. Heather is a sweet person who has a heart to help people dealing with cancer. Her job as a oncology nurse is perfect for her. I loved how the author explained treatments for cancer patients and the emotional ups and downs they go through. Heather is very involved with raising funds to help families dealing with cancer. I love the connection she has with her church and the support her friends give her.
Max has a lot going on in his life. He has a new job and has moved from his home town to find his biological father's family. When he decides to go see a doctor because he can't seem to get over feeling ill, he gets devastating news. He can't believe at the age of twenty-seven he has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Max is sent to a specialist and is quite surprised when he meets the nurse that will be overseeing his treatment. Heather and Max have a past history that goes back a few years. I loved the initial reaction they both had when they see each other at the doctor's office. What are the chances that someone from your past is now going to be treating you? There is a lot of hurt and unforgiveness that Max will need to work through.
The story is one I found to be so well written I wanted to read it slowly in order to absorb each beautiful detail. It is filled with so much emotion . Can Heather continue to be Max's nurse? Can Max let God show him how to forgive and allow people to help him? Heather is very pushy at times, but Max needs that to keep fighting . This is a story that deals with health issues as well as heart issues. Max is a hurt and troubled person who seeks acceptance . He wants to find family he never knew, but will he find the answers he needs to heal ? It has been hard on him knowing his father never wanted him. Sometimes what we are looking for is right in front of us and sometimes those that love us the most get pushed away. Don't miss this story that shows how trusting God can get you through anything. I look forward to the next book in the series.
"We can't undo the past. We have to forgive and move on."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Great Story About Falling In Love
This book is a very clean and wonderful story. I loved the title and it gave me a feeling of hope. The holidays can be hard for people who are suffering a loss. Melody is such a great character. I love that she owns a bookstore which attracts lots of people. She may seem happy at times, but her heart is broken after a devastating loss of someone she loved. Melody has a great friend is Cass and I found her to be the kind of friend everyone would want to be around.
Jack has returned to earth to complete a mission. He wants to find someone for Melody so she will be happy again. This type of book is one I love to read because it is filled with hope and emotions that penetrate the heart. The author really does a great job of developing Jack/Oliver . I can see why Melody fell in love with him. In this cute story I found myself laughing as her new friend tries to play matchmaker. Jack/Oliver has a great heart and wants to find the perfect man for Melody. I think what I really liked about this story was how selfless Jack/Oliver was. Would you want want your spouse to find happiness after you are gone? Don't miss this enchanting story about love, hope and happiness. Make sure you have tissues close by.
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
This book is a very clean and wonderful story. I loved the title and it gave me a feeling of hope. The holidays can be hard for people who are suffering a loss. Melody is such a great character. I love that she owns a bookstore which attracts lots of people. She may seem happy at times, but her heart is broken after a devastating loss of someone she loved. Melody has a great friend is Cass and I found her to be the kind of friend everyone would want to be around.
Jack has returned to earth to complete a mission. He wants to find someone for Melody so she will be happy again. This type of book is one I love to read because it is filled with hope and emotions that penetrate the heart. The author really does a great job of developing Jack/Oliver . I can see why Melody fell in love with him. In this cute story I found myself laughing as her new friend tries to play matchmaker. Jack/Oliver has a great heart and wants to find the perfect man for Melody. I think what I really liked about this story was how selfless Jack/Oliver was. Would you want want your spouse to find happiness after you are gone? Don't miss this enchanting story about love, hope and happiness. Make sure you have tissues close by.
I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
My thoughts on Upon a Spring Breeze by Kelly Irvin
Bess is a young woman who is happy and carefree until a tragedy strikes. I thought the author did a great job of walking Bess through grief and allowing readers to feel her pain and sorrow. My heart went out to Bess immediately because she had so much to deal with. Can you imagine being twenty and your life shattered before your eyes? Bess is a strong character with burdens that can be overwhelming at times.
Aidan is a very humble man who wants nothing more than to care for Bess and her child. I am a bit perplexed at why he blamed himself for the accident. It's funny how we let a decision we make turn into such a big obstacle in our life. Aidan has a lot to get past and that could hinder him from finding happiness. The times he spent with Bess were very nice and I loved how much he respected her.
Bess wants to do her part to support herself, but there are some harsh words spoken when it is discovered that she is working away from home. I liked how the author gave us a glimpse into the rules the Amish go by. They seem to believe a woman is to stay at home and take care of the house and children. In Bess's heart she didn't want to go against the Bishop, but I think she needed something to feel good about. What I really liked was how strong the women were who surrounded themselves around Bess. The story is emotional at times and does touch on a subject that some women face after giving birth. I found that to be well written and helpful .
I found the book to be very well written and loved the different emotions and hard decisions that characters made. I want to mention about the English man that Bess met . I thought he brought a lot to the story because he was a temptation that could have had very dramatic affects on Bess. Even though she denied any attraction, I wonder if deep down she may have had feelings because he seemed to make her smile? I loved how the author gave Bess a chance to see what it could be like if she chose to go against her beliefs. The author gives readers a story that is filled with forgiveness, changes, family and a young woman who discovers that there is happiness after a tragedy.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.
Bess is a young woman who is happy and carefree until a tragedy strikes. I thought the author did a great job of walking Bess through grief and allowing readers to feel her pain and sorrow. My heart went out to Bess immediately because she had so much to deal with. Can you imagine being twenty and your life shattered before your eyes? Bess is a strong character with burdens that can be overwhelming at times.
Aidan is a very humble man who wants nothing more than to care for Bess and her child. I am a bit perplexed at why he blamed himself for the accident. It's funny how we let a decision we make turn into such a big obstacle in our life. Aidan has a lot to get past and that could hinder him from finding happiness. The times he spent with Bess were very nice and I loved how much he respected her.
Bess wants to do her part to support herself, but there are some harsh words spoken when it is discovered that she is working away from home. I liked how the author gave us a glimpse into the rules the Amish go by. They seem to believe a woman is to stay at home and take care of the house and children. In Bess's heart she didn't want to go against the Bishop, but I think she needed something to feel good about. What I really liked was how strong the women were who surrounded themselves around Bess. The story is emotional at times and does touch on a subject that some women face after giving birth. I found that to be well written and helpful .
I found the book to be very well written and loved the different emotions and hard decisions that characters made. I want to mention about the English man that Bess met . I thought he brought a lot to the story because he was a temptation that could have had very dramatic affects on Bess. Even though she denied any attraction, I wonder if deep down she may have had feelings because he seemed to make her smile? I loved how the author gave Bess a chance to see what it could be like if she chose to go against her beliefs. The author gives readers a story that is filled with forgiveness, changes, family and a young woman who discovers that there is happiness after a tragedy.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.
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