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Saturday, October 12, 2024


A Perfect Flock Kick-Off Package

About the Book

Book: A Perfect Flock

Author: Mike Bogue

Genre: Christian Science Fiction

Release date: October 26, 2023

Tuck Jameson vows to stop his brother Clay from joining The Body, a religious cult that uses nanotechnology to turn its members into Christian automatons.

But Clay disappears—and in three days, his nanotechnology conversion will be complete. Desperate to find Clay, Tuck enlists the aid of former high school mentor Adam Shimura, now a black ops agent with potentially mixed motives.

Brother Moody, the cult’s Chief Elder, mobilizes his acolytes against Tuck. Worse, a shocking prophecy ups the ante, making Tuck realize the stakes involve not only him and Clay, but all of America—and perhaps, the world.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Why does Mike Bogue write speculative fiction? Because he finds it a perfect genre to explore timeless themes and timely science, as well as the collision between technology and faith. When he isn’t writing, he enjoys watching Godzilla movies, singing 1960s pop tunes, and munching Fiber One brownies. Single and retired, Mike lives with his cat Bendi in Western Arkansas, where he and Bendi regularly hold contests to see who can nap the longest in a single day.

More from Mike

“If brainwashing means losing my free will for God’s sake, so be it.”

Thus says a recruit for the religious cult The Body in my novel A Perfect Flock.

When planning the novel, I wondered—should Christians use technology to enhance their moral lives? What if technology forced us to be good? Should we use it? Should we advocate it? Would it make Christians, and therefore the Gospel, more appealing to non-Christians?

A Perfect Flock explores these issues. In the novel, technology that might have been a blessing becomes a curse in the hands of cult leader Brother Moody. Indeed, becoming Moody’s version of a perfect Christian might just cost you your soul.

In A Perfect Flock, you will confront the well-meaning but dark future into which technology may be taking Christians and society; experience a fast-paced quest in which an older brother is determined to save his younger brother from technological enslavement; and face the tension between free will and enforced will—if we had the technology to force others to become Christians, should we?

If you like near-future Christian science fiction novels such as Steven James’ Synapse, I think you’ll enjoy A Perfect Flock.

A technical note: The book was released last October 23, so it is available now.

Best of hopes and dreams,


Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 5

For the Love of Literature, October 6 (Author Interview)

The Book Zone, October 7

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 8 (Author Interview)

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 9

Through the Fire Blogs, October 10 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 11

Artistic Nobody, October 12 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 13

Stories By Gina, October 14 (Author Interview)

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, October 14

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 15 (Author Interview)

A Reader’s Brain, October 16 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, October 17

Back Porch Reads, October 18 (Author Interview)


To celebrate his tour, Mike is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

About the Book

Book: A Token of Love

Author: Carrie Turansky

Genre: Fiction, Historical Romance

Release date: September 3, 2024

Separated by centuries, the lives of two women intertwine through their shared pursuit of love, truth, and justice.

In 1885 London, Lillian Freemont embarks on a treacherous journey to reunite with her long-lost niece, Alice, who was abandoned at the Foundling Hospital eight years ago. Fueled by her sister’s plea and armed with the gold token that identifies her niece, Lillian teams up with investigative reporter Matthew McGivern to expose the grim reality of the shadowed streets of London. As Lillian and Matthew unravel the mystery of Alice’s disappearance, their partnership blossoms into one of shared purpose and undeniable attraction.

In present-day London, Janelle Spencer finds herself unexpectedly running the Foundling Museum. When filmmaker Jonas Conrad arrives to document the museum’s history, their collaboration takes a surprising turn as they uncover articles from the past that shed light on a haunting connection to the present. As Janelle becomes caught between exposing the truth and protecting the museum’s reputation, she must decide if she can risk everything for what she believes.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Carrie Turansky is the award-winning author of twenty-one inspirational novels and novellas and a winner of the Carol Award, the International Digital Award, and the HOLT Medallion. She loves traveling to England to research her Edwardian novels, including No Journey Too FarNo Ocean Too WideAcross the Blue, and the Edwardian Brides series. Her novels have been translated into several languages and have received starred reviews from and Library Journal.

More from Carrie

Come with me to London!

My latest novel, A Token of Love, is a dual-time story set in London during the late Victorian Era and present day. That prompted my husband and I to take a trip to London earlier this year. We were especially delighted to visit the Foundling Museum which tells the story of the Foundling Hospital, the first children’s charity home in England. The Foundling Hospital and Foundling Museum tie the historical and contemporary plots together in A Token of Love.

Thousands of children were taken in by the Foundling Hospital when their mothers could no longer care for them. Some of the mothers left small items such as coins, thimbles, and pieces of jewelry with their infants as identifiers in the hope that if their situation changed, they might be able to return and reclaim their child. Those items were called tokens, and we saw several of them on display at the Foundling Museum.

Each token is unique and represents a mother’s love and desire to be reunited with her child. It was very moving to view them on display and think of all the heartache and hope behind each token.

More than two years ago, I saw an image of the tokens on Pinterest. That sparked my curiosity, and I followed the research trail to learn more about them. That led to the Foundling Museum’s website, which offers a treasure trove of information and personal stories about the mothers and children connected by those tokens. What I discovered helped me develop the characters and plot for A Token of Love. The story highlights one mother who gave her daughter into their care, then eight years later tries to reclaim her. But her daughter is missing, and that sets off a series of events that stirs all of London. Family drama, romance, inspiration, and a touch of mystery will make the story meaningful for readers.

If you like stories based on true events in history that will touch your heart and lift your spirit, then I think you will enjoy reading A Token of Love!

If you’d like to see more photos from my research trip to London and the Foundling Museum, I hope you’ll visit my website photo page!


There is nothing better for me than reading a book by this author. When it is a split time story that is a bonus for me. Her writing takes me to a place where a where much was going  on behind closed doors.We start in 1885 where a prominent hospital is highlighted. It had a prestige reputation but secrets were hidden from many. I can’t imagine thinking your baby has died then discover that the child is alive. Will justice   prevail ?

I love the storyline about the token that many parents left with their child as a remembrance of their heritage. A small coin or a  locket holds family history and is hoped to identify their child if they can come back to get them. Let’s think about the parents who had no choice but to give up their child. The heart wrenching decision will last a lifetime. Oh how I wanted to help find those who looked gir their child. 

Lillian is a very strong faith filled woman. Her determination to find her niece fills the pages with hope. I loved how she overcame many obstacles and never once thought of giving up. What she uncovers with the help of a journalist is hard to put into words. Battered, abused young children being  used as maids or the unthinkable of losing their innocence.To think that human trafficking went on so long along shows how little we have done  today to protect innocent children. 

Matthew is writing a story on the hospital and runs  into Lillian. He joins Lillian to help find her niece and expose the truth about the hospital. He wants to help Lillian while also sharing with the world a dark secret that needs to be shared . I liked how he is courageous, caring and also faithful in his walk with God. 

We move forward in the story to 2023. Here we meet Janelle and Jonas. I absolutely loved how this thread of the story gives us a glimpse into the life of a teenager you will meet. Her attitude is not upbeat but soon her life will be changed. Janelle has a new promotion at the museum and finds out  that Jonas is there to do a documentary on the infamous hospital from 1885. 

The author does an amazing job of bringing justice to a forgotten group of children. It stated many years ago yet it is still present today. Each character found that trusting  God would help them through their  trials. I loved that this story is based on true historical facts. It piqued my curiosity and decided to read more about the hospital on my own. I have to end my review so I don’t give anymore away. Be prepared for tears, hope, secrets, and most of all hope. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 7

Maureen’s Musings, October 7

Books You Can Feel Good About, October 8

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 8

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 9

Connie’s History Classroom, October 9

Texas Book-aholic, October 10

Devoted To Hope, October 10

Simple Harvest Reads, October 11 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Live.Love.Read., October 11

Stories By Gina, October 12 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 12

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, October 13

lakesidelivingsite, October 13

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 14

Cover Lover Book Review, October 14

Lighthouse Academy Blog, October 15 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 16

Blossoms and Blessings, October 17

Holly’s Book Corner, October 17

Inspired by Fiction, October 18

Pause for Tales, October 18

Labor Not in Vain, October 19

To Everything There is A Season, October 20

Romances of the Cross, October 20


To celebrate her tour, Carrie is giving away the grand prize of a $15 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of A Token of Love!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

About the Book

Book: Virginia (Daughters of the Lost Colony Book Four)

Author: Shannon McNear

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical Romance

Release date: September, 2024

The White Doe of the Outer Banks Grows into Womanhood

Return to the “what if” questions surrounding the Lost Colony and explore the possible fate of Virginia Dare–the first English child born in the New World. What happened to her after her grandfather John White returned to England and the colony he established disappeared into the mists of time? Legends abound, but she was indeed a real girl who, if she survived to adulthood, must have also become part of the legacy that is the people of the Outer Banks. In the spring of 1602 by English reckoning, “Ginny,” as she is called by family and friends, is fourteen and firmly considered a grown woman by the standards of the People. For her entire life she has watched the beautiful give-and-take of the Kurawoten and other native peoples with the English who came from across the ocean. She’s enjoyed being the darling of both English and Kurawoten alike—but a stirring deep inside her will not be put to rest.

One careless decision lands her and fellow “first baby” Henry Harvie, along with their Croatoan friend Redbud, in enemy hands. Carried away into Mangoac territory, out of the reach of Manteo and the others, she must learn who she truly is—not only the daughter of Elinor and Ananias Dare but also a child of the One True God, who gives her courage to go wherever the path of her life might lead.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Transplanted to North Dakota after more than two decades in the Deep South, Shannon McNearloves losing herself in local history. She’s the author of four novellas, the first a 2014 RITA® nominee and the most recent a 2021 SELAH winner, and six full-length novels. Her greatest joy, however, is in being a military wife, mom, mother-in-law, and grammie. She’s been a contributor to Colonial Quills and The Borrowed Book, and is a current member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers. When not cooking, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, basking in the beauty of the northern prairies.


More fron Shannon

So—here we are! I am just so, SO, sooo blessed to get to be on Celebrate Lit yet again. And book FOUR of my Lost Colony series! Initially I thought two, maybe three books. I pretty much disregarded the possibility of writing Virginia Dare’s story because, well, there’s a good bit of mythology surrounding her, and I felt absolutely no inclination to tackle any of that.

Until early last year. The idea dropped into my head and seemed too obvious to turn away. I didn’t have much idea of what would actually happen in the story, although I knew I wanted to explore the identity of the Mangoac, who held the interior of what is now North Carolina and Virginia when the Spanish and the English first arrived in the New World. They spoke an Iroquoian language and were referred to with dread and distaste among all their neighbors, including the Powhatan. Those people are what we know now as the Tuscarora.

Little was known of the Tuscarora before John Lawson wrote of his journey through the Carolinas in 1700-01. A few years later, Lawson himself met with a fairly horrible death at the hands of the Tuscarora (one wonders what he might have done to tick them off), and tensions soon escalated between settlers and indigenous peoples into all-out war. After their defeat by the English, the Tuscarora people moved northward and became the sixth nation of the Iroquois Confederacy.

They call themselves Skaru:re—pronounced sgah-ROOO-rah (with that long “ooh” held out a little extra)—translated variously as “Long-Shirt People” or “Hemp People,” for the garments they would weave from “Indian hemp,” also known as milkweed. The Tuscarora word for milkweed does indeed contain the same root as Skaru:re, but no one knows when as a people they might have made the transition from merely using milkweed fiber for cording or twine to spinning and weaving it into fabric, as the English did flax for linen.

I decided to have a bit of fun in my story, then, with Ginny being questioned about the making of a linen garment, and then a later mention of a “rough, twiny fabric.” I’d meant to expand upon that a bit, or at least address it in the historical notes at the end—and then completely forgot until working through the galleys.

So I get to talk about it—now. ðŸ˜Š

You might guess that both details, which may feel random to the casual reader, are a nod to the translation of the name Skaru:re, and to the influence that either the Spanish or the English might have had on various Native people groups. A good author endeavors, of course, to not have any random details littering a story. In Virginia, many small things point back to previous stories—there are hints of connection to Rebecca as well even though either story could be read before the other. By the same token, all four books are what we could term alternate history—a reach beyond what is known into what might have been. I think it most likely that as Native peoples acquired European fashions, they used what they already had (in the case of the Skaru:re, a familiarity with milkweed and other materials to provide fiber) to produce garments and other items modeled after what the Spanish and English used. They were nothing if not eager to take advantage of new technologies—and what if their contact with members of the Lost Colony was what sparked the idea behind their famed “long shirts”?

A stretch, for sure. But there’s a reason why I’ve always enjoyed writing speculative fiction as well as historical. ðŸ˜Š


I love books that ask the question”What if? It makes me think what could have happened or is it possible that it did and no one  knew. This story focuses on Virginia Dare. I didn’t know anything about this person but I was intrigued to see where the author would take this story. A young woman finds herself caught between two different cultures. 

Her strength is evident as she tries to find where she belongs. Along with breathtaking landscapes the story takes us back to the colonies. There was strife among the people and  Virginia struggled with who she was at times. I liked how faith was an important part of this story as well as emotions that were realistic. 

I appreciate the historical facts in the  story and a look at “what  if” Virginia really took this path. History fans will love  this book. The author gives us an idea of Virginia’s life and what might  have been. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 4

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 5

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 6

To Everything There Is A Season, October 6

Devoted To Hope, October 7

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 8

lakesidelivingsite, October 9

Texas Book-aholic, October 9

Betti Mace, October 10

Melissa’s Bookshelf, October 11

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, October 11

Books You Can Feel Good About, October 12

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 13

Bizwings Book Blog, October 14

Cover Lover Book Review, October 15

Lights in a Dark World, October 15

Holly’s Book Corner, October 16

Sylvan Musings, October 17

Pause for Tales, October 17


To celebrate her tour, Shannon is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, October 7, 2024

About the Book

Book: When the Mountain Crumbled (A Day to Remember Book 4)

Author: Angela K Couch

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release date: September, 2024

Though Mountains Crumble, Hope Is Not Buried

Enjoy a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

Discipline and rules are the foundation on which Samantha Ingles has built her life—the life of a spinster schoolteacher in a small mining town in the Canadian Rockies. All that crumbles from her grasp when part of a mountain crashes down on their community.

Constable David Harty has little patience for the strict schoolmarm but has no choice but to leave his three young nieces in her care while he tries to discover the fate of his brother. Already, the girls have lost their mother and brothers to the landslide and require comfort and love while they await the fate of their father, possibly buried in the coal mine.

With the mountain looming over their heads threatening more lives, and the town scrambling to save who they can from the rubble, can hearts find healing—both for their own sakes and the children in their care?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

To keep from freezing in the great white north, Angela K Couch cuddles under quilts with her laptop. Winning short story contests, being a semi-finalist in ACFW’s Genesis Contest, and a finalist in the 2016 International Digital Awards also helped warm her up. As a passionate believer in Christ, her faith permeates the stories she tells. Her martial arts training, experience with horses, and appreciation for good romance sneak in as well. When not writing, she stays fit (and toasty warm) by chasing after five munchkins.

More from Angela

Around 4:10 am on April 29th, 1903, approximately 110 million metric tonnes of limestone broke from the side of Turtle Mountain and crashed down into the Crowsnest Valley, burying ranches, camps, an active coal mine, and a part of the town of Frank. What has come to be known as “Frank Slide” was the deadliest landslide in North American recorded history, claiming the lives of more than seventy people.

I first visited Frank Slide as a child, as it is located only an hour’s drive from my home. All I remember from that experience was the heaps of rocks and boulders, and the story of the mine-horse named Charlie. When driving through the Crowsnest Pass as an adult, I began to appreciate the terror of that night and the horrible loss of life. Not until expanding my research while writing this story, did the miracles of Frank shine through everything horrible that happened. That became the focus of my story, When the Mountain Crumbled.

I find our own lives follow a similar pattern. Tragedy, hardship, sickness and disappointment… but do we see the miracles?


A gripping story about the destruction of a town where many lives were lost sets the stage for miracles, budding relationships and hope. Oh how hard it was to read how a town is wiped out by a mountain that threatens to destroy everything in its path. You can hear the  rumblings as the chaos starts. Homes are destroyed and people are trapped beneath the places they called home. 

Samantha is the school teacher for the little town. She is not very well liked and some call her unkind names. She does have a desire to teach but  not everyone thinks children should be at school all the time. When tragedy happens she finds herself trapped in the home she shared with a family. She can hear the screams of the children in another part of the house. Her life will never be the same as she is finally rescued. Her heart breaks for the ones who didn’t make it. 

Constable Nathan comes to town to see if his brother and family survived. To his dismay all that is left is his three nieces. It is hard for him to believe his brother didn’t make it out of the mine. When Nathan sees Samantha caring for his nieces he hopes they can help each other out. It is quickly evident that Samantha isn’t quite the nurturing type but he needs her help with the children. 

The story is very emotional and the loss of lives overwhelming. I was heartbroken when those precious  girls were left without parents. Nathan is trying so hard to help and Samantha is doing what she can. When a misunderstanding makes Nathan ask Samantha to leave, I knew it was out of hurt. He longs to give his nieces a home yet he doesn’t feel equipped.  When Samantha finally opens up and shares her past with Nathan he starts to see the pain in her eyes. Discovering that they both are hurting in similar ways brings them closer. I liked how they learned that they both are looking for a place to belong, a family of their own and love that will last a lifetime. 

The ending is so wonderful yet brought me to tears. Through everything they have gone through Samantha says, ‘I’m grateful for the good that God had brought about from something so horrible.”  “If not for the bad, how would they recognize or appreciate the good.” 

Don’t miss the author notes at the end  of the  book. It gives historical facts of the deadliest landslide in North American recorded history, claiming the lives of more than seventy people. I had no idea this happened but now after reading the story I understand how God performed miracles that day. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 2

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 2

Life on Chickadee Lane, October 3

Betti Mace, October 4

Lighthouse Academy Blog, October 5 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Devoted To Hope, October 6

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 6

Texas Book-aholic, October 7

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 8

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 9

Bizwings Book Blog, October 9

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 10

Holly’s Book Corner, October 11

Blossoms and Blessings, October 11

An Author’s Take, October 12

Cover Lover Book Review, October 13

Mary Hake, October 13

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 14

Pause for Tales, October 15

Connie’s History Classroom, October 15


To celebrate her tour, Angela is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.