The cover by itself is enough to grab anyone's attention. It makes me feel chilly as I see the snow high on the mountaintops. I couldn't wait to dig into the story and I must say it was such a beautifully written story I wanted it to last forever. The flow was just right and gives readers time to know the characters better.
Traveling in April 1850 will be an adventure for a group that has a long way to go to reach their destination. Their goal of getting to California by December will be tested by the weather, wagon repairs and supplies diminishing.
Each character has a reason to want to get to California. Will they see their dream come true? As they continue on their journey, the weather takes a turn for the worse. Will they find shelter in time before the snow traps them in their wagons? I loved the different personalities and how they seemed to get along for the most part. There is one person who is so unpleasant I was hoping he would give up and return to his old home. I always wonder why God places someone in our path that is hard to like? I'm sure it is because we need to continue to remember to give grace to others.
The story is filled with adventure and hardship. Through it all will the travelers appreciate how God supplies them with what they need? This Christmas will be different for each one, but it promises to bring hope, joy and the true spirit of Christmas.
I received a copy of this book from the author . The review is my own opinion.
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Saturday, September 8, 2018
1883 California Trail, Kansas
Missouri mules were the best. Alda grew to love the creatures working side by side with her pa on their farm along the banks of the Missouri River. He would be hopping mad when he realized his wife and daughter colluded behind his back to sell a pack string. It wouldn’t matter that they were trying to save the farm.
Alda struck out on her own to drive the team over fifteen hundred miles. By day three, her lead mule Bessie refused to take one more step. It was a good thing the handsome cowboy Cord stopped by to lend a hand or Alda might still be sitting in the dust.
Now, Alda needed the man to move on so she could continue her journey. Judging by the spark in Cord’s eye … it just might take some convincing.
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https://www.facebook.com/Lisa-J-Flickinger-1633168346966190/ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14873919.Lisa_J_Flickinger and www.lisajflickinger.com
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Lisa J. Flickinger, author of historical novels Fool’s Notion, Ella, and All That Glitters, lives and writes from the cliff of a river along the majestic Rocky Mountains. When not writing or reading, you will find her scouring antique shops or sipping a maple latte with friends and family. To learn more about her visit www.lisajflickinger.com or her Facebook author page Lisa J. Flickinger.
Lisa J. Flickinger, author of historical novels Fool’s Notion, Ella, and All That Glitters, lives and writes from the cliff of a river along the majestic Rocky Mountains. When not writing or reading, you will find her scouring antique shops or sipping a maple latte with friends and family. To learn more about her visit www.lisajflickinger.com or her Facebook author page Lisa J. Flickinger.

Well Howdy Folks. Welcome to a trip to the 1880s. The land is rugged at times, the weather unforgiving and dreams of settling down whispers in the clouds. If there has ever been a fiery, independent, outspoken young woman it has to be Alda. She may not be tall or look like she can take care of herself, but let me tell you, don't ever underestimate a young woman on a mission to save her family home. What was she thinking taking mules across country by herself from Missouri to California? Mules aren't exactly easy to give directions to, but Alda has something to prove.
I loved the description the author gave of the land and I felt as if I was right beside Alda cheering her own as dust filtered into our mouths. Cord is one of those men who is attractive, strong and has a dangerous job. He comes upon Alda when she is in need of help. There is definitely a trust issue between the two but maybe Colt can help her get to her destination safely. Can two strangers work together or will one of them turn their back on the other? I know if I was out in the wilderness I wouldn't be to trusting when a stranger wanted to join up with me.
The story is a great historical story that is filled with danger, secrets, and a deep faith in God. The author delivers good characters and an array of adventure that makes you feel like you are in a western movie. I loved how Alda and Colt each had a secret that could change the way they feel about each other. Colt to me was the one who had the most to worry about, but I won't say why. They meet wagon trains on the way that seem to be a blessing as they are now not alone if trouble was to start. The rumors of robbers could really stop a wagon train of hardworking people in their tracks.
I liked the story and found it to be a well written saga of the western life. There is one character in the story that I didn't like. He was rude, arrogant and unkind to women. I was cheering for Colt to let him know how to treat women with respect. This part of the story was interesting and I liked how the author handled it with grace. Be sure you don't miss this great story set during a time were surviving was hard and people worked together to build a future.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
About the Book
Book Title: It’s Momplicated
Author: Debbie Alsdorf * Joan Edwards Kay
Genre: Non-fiction
Release date: September 4, 2018
Whether your relationship with your mom has been wonderful or stressful, redeemed or broken, close or nonexistent, it’s one of your life’s most important and defining connections. Its effects have probably followed you into adulthood.
If you have conflicting feelings toward mom—or if you wish you could get past some of the baggage that holds you back—this is your book. Combining spiritual disciplines and the best of current therapeutic practice, It’s Momplicated will help you discover
- How your early connection with your mother may have impacted your sense of self and your other important relationships—and what you can do to break the cycle
- Why you and your mother have the relationship you have—the underlying reasons that may be contributing to strain and unease
- Tools and exercises to help you cope with some of the most common effects of a broken relationship, including anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, and trust issues
- How to be the daughter and mother God wants you to be even if your mom wasn’t who you needed her to be.
It’s never too late to love, never too late to heal, and never too late to trust God to turn the pain in your story into a redemption song. As you read It’s Momplicated, you’ll realize that while God doesn’t promise to fix all your circumstances, He does promise to uphold you and lead you to a healing place of knowing you are truly precious and loved, no matter how your past has affected you
Click here to purchase your copy.
About the Authors
Guest Post from Debbie and Joan
Mom. Mother. Mommy.
What do those words evoke in you? Wonderful memories of home cooked meals? A longing for nurture that was never fully met? A sense of not being enough? Gratitude? Sadness and loss? Anger and resentment?
Most women have a complex reaction when asked to think about their mothers–a mix of positive and negative, gratitude and hurt, happy and sad memories. Our relationships with our mothers are unique, rich, and complicated.
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Debbie Alsdorf and Joan Edwards Kay, friends who have written a book together that explores the issue of moms and their profound effect on daughters. It’s Momplicated: Hope and Healing for Imperfect Daughters of Imperfect Mothers releases this September 4th, 2018. Since every woman is a daughter, this book is for every women.
Every daughter receives less-than-perfect programming from her mother. The messages may be about our value, or how to relate to others, or even about how we think about bodies. However, God is our perfect parent who wants to rewrite that imperfect programming with his truth. Many of us don’t realize the wrong messages that are deep in our souls.
I (Debbie) grew up with a mother who was cold, distant and unavailable. I have one sister who was in her teens when I was born and married by the time I started school, leaving me to be raised as an only child. I grew up wondering what was wrong with me, “Why didn’t mom want to spend time with me? Why didn’t she hug me and hold me close like other moms did? Why was nothing I did to earn her approval good enough?” I was deeply imprinted with wounds of rejection and carried them through most of my adult life, even though I pasted on a smile, kept trying to do better, and could be the life of any gathering. On the inside, I was sad for as long as I can remember. Through working on this book, I have experienced a phenomenal inner healing, the exposing of lies long held secretly in my heart, and the ability to see the way the enemy of my soul has tried to use the “not enough” belief against me. I am beyond excited for other women to have the courage to own their own story, inviting Jesus to meet them in any points of pain and any relationships that need healing.
I (Joan) had a stay-at-home mom who cooked dinner every night, took us to the library and the beach, did art projects with us, and made me feel safe and happy. However, when I was nine years old, my father and then my brother both died of cancer within a year and my relationship with my mother changed. Understandably, she struggled to just hold herself together, but in my young mind I felt abandoned by her. I didn’t have the capacity to deal with all the loss and she didn’t have the strength to help me. I felt emotionally lost and alone. I longed for my mother to comfort me and show me how to overcome my pain. In retrospect, I wish she had shown me faith in a God who could bring hope and meaning to the devastation that had hit our family. But she was not a believer and did her best to stuff away the feelings and soldier on. I was deeply imprinted with the belief, I’m alone and can only depend on myself. As I worked on this project, the root of many of my struggles became clear to me and God has been comforting those young, lonely parts of me with his presence and his love.
What is your story with your mother? What false beliefs has this important relationship imprinted on your heart, and how does God’s truth rewrite them? It is our hope that every woman, as God’s daughter, will learn the beauty of who she is and receive her own healing so she can leave a legacy of faith, hope and beauty to the generation of women that follow.
One thing we know for sure: there are no perfect moms, just women partnering with a perfect God.

The title of the book grabbed my attention right away. A book about relationships with your mother is not something I wanted to read. I will say that the authors do a great job of sharing their stories and helping readers understand the dynamics of mothers. I grew up in a very violent and abusive home. I have no idea what it is like to know that your mom loves you. That word was never spoken to me, and oh how I longed to have a mother who was proud of her daughter. After all these years later, the pain of rejection and abuse is still there.
This book is a powerful tool for everyone who has a good or difficult relationship with their mother. I really like the section at the end of every chapter that has questions you can answer to help you understand the reasons why your relationship you have had with your mother is good or needs work. I appreciate how the authors go into details about how we may have believed things said to us that stayed planted in our minds throughout the years.
Missing in my childhood was the protection and security I needed. The book helped me understand that the fear I have lived with stems from not being able to trust anyone. The stories shared by others in the book are emotional and healing at the same time. When I had my three sons, I wanted to be the perfect mom. There is no such thing, but I was determined that my boys would know that they were loved. I might have overdone it a bit with being overprotective, but the greatest joy I get is hearing my sons say without hesitation, " I love you mom."
I am thankful that I read this book and even though it was hard to get through, I have a better understanding of how much healing I need to overcome my past. My mother told me I was stupid, ugly and would never amount to anything. I will never get to experience what it feels like to be loved by parents, but " The Holy Spirit will replace the lie I have believed with God's truth."
I encourage everyone to get a copy of this book. For me it was an emotional journey that I was afraid to take. The book is filled with scriptures that give you hope, heals you and directs your heart to forgive when needed. We were all given parents whether they were good or not. I have never forgotten the commandment that says to , "Honor your mother and father." In my mother's final months she became quite ill and my father asked me to help take care of her. I did without hesitation. It didn't matter about the past, only that I was given a chance to show my mother that I honored her. I was with her when she passed away and although it was hard, I'm glad I was given the opportunity to be with her at the end. I love you mom.
" You are not defined by your mother or your past or even by yourself. You are defined by God."
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
A Baker’s Perspective, September 8
Texas Book-aholic, September 8
Carpe Diem, September 9
Lighthouse Academy, September 10
Luv’N Lambert Life, September 10
Life Faith & Health, September 11
Real World Bible Study, September 12
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 13
Multifarious, September 14
Reading is my Superpower, September 14 (Interview)
Ashley’s Bookshelf, September 15
proud to be an autism mom, September 16
Bigreadersite, September 16
Bibliophile Reviews, September 17
All-of-a-kind Mom, September 18
For the Love of Books, September 19
Janices book reviews, September 19
Reader’s Cozy Corner, September 20
margaret kazmierczak, September 20 (Interview)
Living Life Free In Christ, September 21
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 21
To celebrate their tour, Debbie and Joan are giving away a grand prize of a “I’m Not Like a Regular Mom” T-Shirt!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/d56c/it-s-momplicated-celebration-tour-giveaway
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
About the Book
Author: Debbie Kitterman
Genre: Non-fiction, spiritual growth, charasmatic
Release date: August 21, 2018
Deepen your relationship with God and embrace a life of encouragement by sharing God’s words with others.
When people think of prophecy, they often think of individuals in the Old Testament or certain personality-driven ministries today. They may think more about the prophet than the message.
But Jesus showed us God’s intention for prophecy by living in two-way communication with the Father and by embracing a lifestyle of encouraging others, changing lives in the process. We can do the same.
Clearing away the confusion about the prophetic gift today, pastor and ministry leader Debbie Kitterman reveals the good news about the gift of prophecy in this practical, powerful book: We are all prophetic because we all have direct access to God. Prophecy is an ordinary part of the Christian life. In fact, it is God’s way for us to encourage and strengthen the Body of Christ.
So open your ears to hear God and break out of your comfort zone to deliver His messages to those who need them most. Act now—His words can’t wait!
Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author
Guest Post from Debbie
If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer never wavered. As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a wife, a mother, and a writer. As a young elementary age girl, I always had my head in the clouds dreaming up different stories. In fact, every Sunday afternoon after church I would be found with my notebook writing creative short stories and poetry while pretending to watch old westerns or kung-fu movies with my dad.
I always dreamed I would write historical fiction stories with a splash of romance thrown in. I love historical fiction and it blends the two subjects in school that I loved, history and creative writing. However, through life’s circumstances and disappointments in college, I gave up on the writing dream. I let the dreams of one day being a writer slip away. I figured it must have been a little girl dream so I set it aside and moved forward through life.
However, when God has a plan, there is no running from Him. I felt a stirring in my heart to write again after taking a trip to Wyoming and meeting a well-known fiction author. I came home from that trip and started writing only to hit a wall … the dreaded writers block and an uncertainty of what to do. Then the busyness of life took over and I again shelved the dream of writing.
God let me go only so far, and then He began to stir me again. This time, He had other people confirm that yes, indeed it was time I stop running and start writing. I love how God is relentless and patient all at the same time. Never in a million years did I think that I would be an author of non-fiction books. The book “The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement: Hearing the Words of God for Others,” shares my journey of faith leading me to a deeper relationship with God. God not only longs to have His children speak to Him, but He longs to speak to us. Real relationships entail two-way conversation.
God longs for His people to use all the gifts He has given them. This gift of prophetic encouragement is for everyone. It is simply sharing Holy Spirit-inspired words of edification, exhortation, and comfort to people as we go about our day-to-day life. Every Christ follower needs to follow the example of Jesus and operate in this profoundly encouraging gift. The Gift of prophetic encouragement breathes life, love and hope into the dry places of our lives.
I invite you to join me on an adventure as we go deeper in our relationships with Jesus and discover how God will use us as a gift of encouragement.
May we all rise to the challenge and dare to hear God today, so we can be a gift of encouragement to others.
Debbie Kitterman

I knew from the title of this book that I was in for a journey that would reacquaint myself with Jesus and the gift that he has given me. I didn't know for the longest time why I would get this message and feel the need to write it down. I never shared it with anyone but my husband. I wasn't sure if it was from God or was it just my own thoughts being shared. I knew in my spirit that God had spoken to me and wanted me to share what He had said but I was scared of what people would say.
I liked the different examples the author shares of people in the bible who heard God speak to them. Sometimes we doubt that God is speaking to us and wander around lost and miss what He has for us. I remember the story of Samuel as the author talks about him in the book. When Jesus spoke to him, Samuel didn't recognize his voice. How many times have we heard God speak to us but still doubted it truly was Him?
The author does a good job of explaining what prophecy is and how it operates within each of us. The first time I heard someone speak in tongues, I freaked out. Then immediately another person interpreted what was just said. I was so confused I was ready to run out of the church. That day I was introduced to prophecy and I wanted to know more about it. One thing I have learned over the years is to be careful who wants to speak words over you. I am always careful when someone says they have a word for me from God. We all have heard about "false prophets." Yes they are out there and God cautions us to discern what is truly words from Him.
I liked that the author talked about the five fold ministry. Each one is not more important than the other, but are designed to work together as one. We are meant to work as a team to spread His word, encourage each other and operate with confidence in the gifts that He has given us.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, August 30
Artistic Nobody, August 31
Luv’N Lambert Life, September 1
Mary Hake, September 2
Reading is my Super Power, September 2 (Interview)
proud to be an autism mom, September 3
Texas Book-aholic, September 4
Genesis 5020, September 5
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 6
Just the Write Escape, September 6
Janices book reviews, September 7
Bibliophile Reviews, September 8
Jeanette’s Thoughts, September 9
Carpe Diem, September 10
A Baker’s Perspective, September 11
Bigreadersite, September 12
To celebrate her tour, Debbie is giving away
Grand Prize: $50 Amazon card plus a book and an INTENT bracelet inscribed with the words, “Be the Gift”, access to online training
1st place: An INTENT bracelet with the words “Be the Gift” plus book plus access to on line training
2nd place: Book plus access to on line training!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/d19f/the-gift-of-prophetic-encouragement-celebration-tour-giveaway
Monday, September 3, 2018
About the Book
Book Title: Dance with Jesus
Author: Susan B. Mead
Genre: Non-fiction: Christian life, Bereavement, Grief
Release date: March 31, 2015
HAVE YOU LOST SOMEONE DEAR TO YOU? A brother, sister, parent, grandparent, family member, friend or a child? A relationship? A body part to cancer or an accident? Do you want to experience the joy of moving from broken to blessed? From GRIEF TO GRACE? Do you want God to take your hand and teach you to dance…with Jesus? Yes?
Then devour the words of Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace! Expect to laugh through the tears and experience a deepening of your faith.
Are you looking for a free mini-course to deepen your faith? Text DanceWithJesus (all one word) to 444-999, then reply with your email to receive 6 days of Biblical encouragement.
10% of the profit from Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace will benefit Water for LIFE to help dig water wells in remote locations around the world. People Matter!
Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author
Susan has been described as a solid, comforting voice in a messy world. Whether speaking to business professionals, women’s conferences, industry leaders or writer’s workshops, Susan’s insightful wisdom inspires audiences, empowering them to make healthy mental u-turns to help them find calm in the chaos.
Guest Post from Susan B. Mead
Why did I write, “Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace?” Such a funny story how that happened. I was in the midst of a Bible study by Henry Blackaby called, “Experiencing God” and one night a question asked, “What does God want you to do right now? Right now?”
I heard, sing my love song, and I laughed out loud and said, “Seriously, God, you’re going to have to send me a bucket because I can’t carry a tune, and you know that.”
Then that gentle spirit inside whispered, what’s in your hand? There was a pen in my hand because I was writing in a workbook. I swept the workbook away, got a journal out, put pen to paper, and the story simply flowed onto paper. At 5:30 a.m., I put the pen down and thought well that took more than the two lines provided (in the workbook).
The very first email I read later that day was from Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks, Speakers and Writers Conference. Writers conference, I thought? Seriously God, you want me to do something with this? Okay, and the story began.
That’s how I wrote the book, “Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace.”
And to think from that humble beginning, Dance With Jesus won TWO 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards from Christian Literary Awards. I stand in awe of our mighty God. When we turn to Him, God holds us close as He comforts and heals us, His children, simply because He loves us.
Lysa TerKeurst, Proverbs 31 Ministries President and New York Times Bestselling Author, shared, “Susan has personally experienced one of the deepest forms of grief. Yet she writes this treasure of a book from her point of grace not grief. I plan to give this book to any of my friends that find themselves crying and needing someone who deeply understands.”
May I ask you to give Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace as a gift to any friend who has lost a loved one or to yourself, if you too have loved and lost.
Video from Susan B. Mead

I liked the sweet spirit of this author's writing. The book is about grief and how to deal with it. I'm sure most of us have experienced a loss in our life. My first experience with loss was my granddad. We were very close and he was a man of honor and compassion. He left a big hole in my heart and I still think of him everyday. I was only sixteen when he died, so I don't really think I knew how to grieve at that time.
The author shares her story about loss in her life. There was a part in the book that really brought memories back to me of a loss that struck twice in our family. My mother had been battling Alzheimer and seemed to be losing her battle fast. It was a difficult time for all of us, especially since we had such a dysfunctional family. I was with her in the nursing home when she took her last breath. I think at that moment, the little girl I was never able to be cried for her mommy in a way that pierced the darkness. Exactly one week later, I get a call from my brother in the middle of the night. His son has just been killed in a car accident. My sweet nephew who looked so much like my brother only lived to be twenty-three.
The grief we felt was too much at times. How could God take two members of my family a week apart? I was so angry I shut everyone out. I was bitter at the world and I felt alone as I had all my life. As I continued the book I saw this written by the author, " However, it is our response to an event that shows our character, not the event itself." I can say with confidence now that after reading that one statement, I had to examine my heart. I was still bitter over the death of my nephew who was taken so young. The accident was investigated but the person at fault was never charged. In my heart, I knew I was going to have to deal with forgiving that person. I still had to deal with my anger towards God as well.
I appreciate the author sharing her story and giving readers nuggets of His word to help us cope with our grief. At the end of each chapter, are questions that are a useful tool to reinforce what each chapter is about. It is not an easy journey when we lose someone, but I'm thankful for books like this that help me get closer to forgiving, overcoming bitterness and being joyful again.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Just the Write Escape, August 28
Josephine’s Thoughts, August 29
Carpe Diem, August 30
Multifarious, August 31
Simple Harvest Reads, September 1 (Spotlight)
proud to be an autism mom, September 2
Reading Is My SuperPower, September 2
Texas Book-aholic, September 3
Artistic Nobody, September 4 (Spotlight)
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 5
Janices book reviews, September 6
Jeanette’s Thoughts, September 7
Margaret Kazmierczak, September 8 (Interview)
A Baker’s Perspective, September 9
Bigreadersite, September 10
To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Click the link below to enter. http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/0bc39d2b2/?
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