Celebrate the new 50th anniversary edition of Christy by entering to win one of TWO $50 Visa cash cards (details below) and by attending a Facebook Live party on December 5!
TWO grand prize winners will receive:
- One copy of Christy
- One $50 Visa Cash Card
RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway and Facebook Live party via social media and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 5th!
Catherine Marshall’s ‘Christy’ Giveaway, Blog Tour, and Facebook Live Party BLOG CODE: Some stories are evergreen, their themes and lessons standing the test of time and connecting with readers generation after generation. Reconnect with Catherine Marshall's beloved Christy as it celebrates its 50th anniversary with a new edition! As nineteen-year-old teacher Christy struggles to find acceptance in her new home of Cutter Gap, some see her—and her one-room school—as a threat to their way of life. Her faith is challenged and her heart is torn between two strong men with conflicting views about how to care for the families of the Cove. Yearning to make a difference, will Christy’s determination and devotion be enough?
RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway and Facebook Live party via social media and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 5th!

I remember reading this book when I was younger and watching the series when it was on television. As I read it this time, I found myself more involved with the story. I can’t imagine at nineteen to travel so far away from home. I thought Christy was a wonderful character and so brave. The shock she felt as she stepped off the train showed on her face. From a wonderful, comfortable life to poverty would scare off many. Christy was determined to make a go at bring the best teacher the children ever had.
The little place she traveled by foot was too much for me at times. I cried when I read about the children with no shoes, and little food to eat. The author describes a shanty town with no hope of improvement. I loved the story because it really shows how hard times were during that time period, and how the families did what they could to survive. What if you lost everything and had to live in a little place with no electricity or food? Christy was in for some hard times and I loved how she found ways to get donations for the school and children.
David is such a great character. As a preacher in this little backwoods area, he has his hands full with unruly men and secret stills that cause much danger to the people. I loved his sermon he gave after the still had been found out. It is so true that people who are doing bad things love the darkness. That way they think they are hidden and no one knows. But like Preacher David described in his sermon, God sees everything. You can’t hide from Him. Preacher David is so encouraging and a caring man. His devotion to the community is admirable.
The story is filled with how Christy adapts to her new life and the children that she teaches. Her compassion for the children is very heartwarming. I loved the interaction she had with several of the children. Some who needed to know they were important , while others needed guidance. It seems like there is always that one kid in class that is hard to reach. He wants to be tough and show off for the class. I was so intrigued with how Christy handled the boy who tried to intimidate her. If you haven’t had a chance to read this inspiring story, I encourage you to grab a copy. Travel back to the early 1900s and experience a woman with courage, love for children, steadfast faith and hope for a better life for her community.
I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion .
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