The Burning Spirit Warriors Book 3
by D.E.L. Connor Warriors Book 3
by D.E.L. Connor
Genre: YA / Fantasy / Coming of Age
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing
Date of Publication: September 21, 2015
# of pages: 357
magical coming of age Spirit Warriors
series, Emmeline and her friends find themselves still reeling from the loss
and pain caused by the evil spirit, machayiwiw- but the danger is far
from over. As Emme, Charlie, Bets,
Ollie, Jack and their beloved Spirit
Animals prepare for the final battle
against the machayiwiw, Emme
struggles with a battle within her
own heart. She longs for the beauty
and softness she feels around Charlie,
but she can’t deny the burning passion
that consumes her with Jack. Will she
finally let Charlie go and give her heart
to Jack? Enthralling and passionate, Spirit Warriors brings the
vibrant American West to life once again and whispers its ancient
secrets of love and friendship.

Praise for the books:
"There is something special about a book/series when you feel like you've come
home to family/friends in the first chapter. That is how I feel when I begin
each new book in this series. I find I care more about each character as the series progresses." - Amazon Reviewer
"I have been a huge fan of this series. After the second book I wasn't
exactly sure how this one would develop. Hands down it is the best
book of the series so far." - Goodreads Reviewer
“The Concealing is one of the best books that I have read in a long time…You will
fall head over heels in love with all of the characters and the plot as well in The Concealing.” – The Avid Reader
“I was glued to the book from the moment I began reading it and was sad
when it ended, because it ended. I can very easily visualise this book as a
film, the descriptions are detailed enough to make it a great opportunity for a film. Amazing.” -- Cookie Book Reviews
“A great young adult series along the formulaic values of the “Twilight” series. home to family/friends in the first chapter. That is how I feel when I begin
each new book in this series. I find I care more about each character as the series progresses." - Amazon Reviewer
"I have been a huge fan of this series. After the second book I wasn't
exactly sure how this one would develop. Hands down it is the best
book of the series so far." - Goodreads Reviewer
“The Concealing is one of the best books that I have read in a long time…You will
fall head over heels in love with all of the characters and the plot as well in The Concealing.” – The Avid Reader
“I was glued to the book from the moment I began reading it and was sad
when it ended, because it ended. I can very easily visualise this book as a
film, the descriptions are detailed enough to make it a great opportunity for a film. Amazing.” -- Cookie Book Reviews
Also a wonderful book for adults who want to immerse themselves in a world
full of youth and American Indian heritage.” -- Respect the Books
Enter to win: a signed copy of
The Concealing, Book 1 of the Spirit Warriors Series,
a $25 Amazon Gift Card, and some Swag!
Della Connor (D.E.L. Connor) was born
in South Dakota and raised in Southeastern
Montana where she acquired a keen appreciation for
Western and Native American culture. She moved
to Texas as a young adult and acquired her
honorary Texan status. She became a registered
nurse, a nurse practitioner and eventually earned
her PhD in nursing. She still works as a nurse
educator and as a nurse practitioner.
Her nights and weekends, however, are filled
with her stories and books.
Her first book, Spirit Warriors:The Concealing,
was published by Booktrope Publishing in November of 2014. The second
book in the series Spirit Warriors: The Scarring published on July 21, 2014 and
Spirit Warriors: The Burning rolled out on September 21, 2015. The Spirit
Warriors story evolved from a short story she wrote for a college English class
in the early 1990s. The professor read it, loved it and asked her to stay after
class and discuss it. During this discussion, he told her that a "dark" story like
hers, which was written for older children, would be unmarketable and unsaleable.
The story kept floating around in her mind. Finally, J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyers
and others stepped forward with amazing "dark" stories to create a new genre
called Young Adult. The time was finally right for her book. She wrote book 1 in
two weeks. It took another year and a half and about a 150 queries all with a
"not interested" for her to find a publisher.
Check out these other great blog stops on the tour!
2/2 All for the Love of the Word – Guest Post
2/3 A Novel Reality – Promo
2/4 Missus Gonzo – Review
2/5 Books and Broomsticks – Promo
2/6 bookishjessp – Review
2/7 The Page Unbound – Author Interview
2/8 Because This is My Life Y'all – Review
2/9 Texas Book-aholic – Promo
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Thank you for sharing this book on your page! Della and I are thrilled that you are helping us promote the terrific third installment in the Spirit Warrior Series! Please let me know if you are interested in reading any of these.
ReplyDeleteLauren Jones
Personal Assistant to D.E.L. Connor