Lone Star Literary Life Blog Tours
Diana Palmer
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Diana Palmer is back in Wyoming with a tale of love born in Big Sky Country…

Niki Ashton has seen her father's friend wounded and she's seen him fight. Blair is the strongest—and most stubborn—man she's ever known. That very heart and passion makes him the man of her dreams, but whenever they've been in danger of getting close, Blair has always pushed her away.
It takes a possible tragedy to strip away all of Blair's misgivings. Now it's all or nothing: marriage, baby, family, forever. But will the choice be too much for Niki…or too late?
Praise for the author
"Palmer...is the queen of desperado quests for justice and true love." -Publishers Weekly
"The popular Palmer has penned another winning novel, a perfect blend of romance and suspense."--Booklist on Lawman
"Diana Palmer is a mesmerizing storyteller who captures the essence of what a romance should be."--Affaire de Coeur
"...this is a fascinating story...It's nice to have a hero wise enough to know when he can't do things alone and willing to accept help when he needs it. There is pleasure to be found in the nice sense of family this tale imparts." -RT Book Reviews on Wyoming Bold
"...lots of passion, thrills, and plenty of suspense... Protector is a top notch read!"-Romance Reviews Today on Protector
"A delightful romance with interesting new characters and many familiar faces. It's nice to have a hero who is not picture perfect in looks or instincts, and a heroine who accepts her privileged life yet is willing to work for the future she wants." --RT Book Reviews on Wyoming Tough
She pulled into the garage at the ranch, parked her car and went slowly into the house. She was tired. The trip home had been uncomfortable enough, without going into work so early. And the pollen was already getting to her. It was so thick that the sidewalk leading to the front porch was yellow.
She started into the door and almost walked right into Blair Coleman.
A scarlet flush bloomed on her cheeks. She swallowed, clutching her purse. “Blair,” she began, nodding as she tried to go past him.
It didn’t work. His mouth made a thin line as he caught her arm and led her back outside to his rental car. He put her inside, got in himself and drove off.
Niki didn’t say a word. She couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t make a bad situation even worse.
He pulled up at a roadside park, cut off the engine, helped her out and walked down to the wide, shallow river with her. A stand of lodgepole pines sheltered the cleared area from the road. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared out over the river.
“Janet told us what happened to you at the beach,” he said, with his back to her. The eyes she couldn’t see were stormy. “Your father and I sent the authorities after the drug dealer. He’ll be caught and sent back to jail. No matter what it takes,” he added bitterly.
She wasn’t surprised that her father had wanted revenge on the man. But Blair’s attitude was curious. She crossed her arms tightly around her chest and stood quietly beside him, watching the river flow by.
She said, “I bought that new bathing suit because it was so beautiful. It looked sophisticated and I thought…” She ground her teeth together. “It’s a mistake I won’t make twice. I’m…sorry, about wearing it out on the beach…” She couldn’t go on.
He groaned, deep in his throat. His hands, in his pockets, were balled into fists. “No. It was my fault,” he said curtly. “I should never have touched you.”
So he regretted it. What had she expected, that he’d say he had no regrets? That was the stuff of romantic films, romantic books, not of life.
“I threw it away,” she said, hoping to placate him.
He closed his eyes on a wave of pain. She’d looked so beautiful in it. He’d carry the picture of her like that for the rest of his life, and he couldn’t, didn’t, dare tell her. He’d crossed the line with Niki. Now he had to control himself. It wasn’t going to be easy.
He drew in a long breath. “I’m not going to be around for a while,” he said, without looking at her. “I have divisions I need to visit in person, conferences I need to have with my managers. I’ve let things slide in the business since the divorce.”
“Janet is very nice,” she said, averting her eyes. “I liked her a lot. She was kind to me. She gave the drug dealer what-for and ran him off.”
“I know. She told us,” he said absently. “I’ve known her for a long time.”
“She said your mother liked her.”
“Yes. She was fond of Janet.”
She swallowed down bitterness. “She’s a brunette, too,” she said, trying to smile. “You’re fond of brunettes.”
“I always have been.” It wasn’t the complete truth. He had a passion for a beautiful young blonde woman who was an arm’s length away but might as well have been on Mars.
The sound of the river flowing by, watery and soothing, was all they heard for a few minutes. Then Niki spoke.
“Janet said the two of you were very close.”
“Is that why you invited her to dinner with us, then got on the first plane back home?” he asked with faint bitterness.
“I thought it would make you happy,” Niki replied. “After all, you took her to dinner the previous night.”
Yes, he had, trying to avoid Niki and what was going to be inevitable if he spent any time around her. Especially after the taste of her he’d had on that Mexican beach. Just the memory of it almost brought him to his knees.
Niki drew in a breath. “I’m really sorry…about what happened,” she said through her teeth.
“Not your fault,” he returned. “You can’t help it if idiots make stupid comments about your choice of bathing suits. He’ll be found, and dealt with, no matter what it takes!”
She turned, hesitant. Her cheeks colored. Eyes the color of an August fog looked up into his black ones. “I meant, what happened in the ocean…”
He looked down at her. His broad face hardened. His eyes glittered. She was wearing a beige suit with a pale yellow blouse. It wasn’t low-cut or even suggestive, but her breasts under it had hard little peaks. The sight of them hurt him. She was attracted to him, violently attracted. She couldn’t hide it
because she didn’t have the experience. It flattered him, maddened him, because there was no way she could fake her reaction. He was years too old for her. He was going to have to make her believe he felt nothing…
“Oh, God,” he groaned. He drew her against him, swallowing her up in his hard arms, her head in the crook of his elbow, his eyes stabbing down into hers. She was already having trouble breathing. He could feel her heart hammering against him. His eyes fell to her soft mouth. “I tried…” He whispered huskily as he bent his head to hers.
She felt the hunger in him even before his warm, hard mouth slowly covered hers.
The author of more than one hundred books, Diana Palmer is a multi–New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author and one of the top ten romance writers in America. She has a gift for telling even the most sensual tales with charm and humor. Diana lives with her family in Cornelia, Georgia.

Niki is a sweet young woman who has only had eyes for Blair for so long, that no one else would ever come close to getting her attention. Her dad is who I really enjoyed reading about. He treats her daughter like a princess and does whatever he can to make her happy. He lost his precious wife some years back and worries that the same fate will happen to Niki. Niki has asthma and needs to be careful when going outside. Her dad always reminds her to take her cell phone and inhaler in case she needs it. One day as she is hiking with a group , she becomes extremely ill and is rushed to the hospital. Will this bring Blair to her side ? Can he overcome his problem with age and find happiness with Niki?
The author has a flair for writing great stories with a bit of steamy scenes and the conflict between two people fighting their feelings for each other. I enjoyed the story but I did become a little annoyed that Blair kept pulling away from Niki, but always cane back when she needed help. I wanted to scream at him and say, "Stop being so stubborn and just tell her you lover her already."
Overall the story was good and romance readers will find the book interesting and happy with the ending.
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