Lone Star Literary Life Blog Tours
Diana Finfrock Farrar

First time novelist, Diana Finfrock Farrar, is a native Texan and financial adviser representative who loves snow skiing and traveling, competes in sprint triathlons, and is an ordained deacon and elder in the Presbyterian church (PCUSA) where she sings in the choir every Sunday. Blessed to have been born into a family that taught her how to live a life of faith, love and relationship — the idea of family has always been at her center. Feeling called to make a difference, Farrar has penned her first novel with the hope of educating her readers on issues of empowerment, injustice, and compassion. She and her wife, Charlotte, were married in Ontario, Canada in 2010. They live in Texas and share five children and three grandchildren.

I am glad that I was able to read such an informative and touching book about a subject that has long been at the heart of many people in this country. Whatever your belief is about the LGBTQ community, this book will give you reason to search your heart and perhaps open your mind to thinking differently.
This story could be in any city USA as many teens struggle to fit in because they are considered different. After a teen is bullied at school because he is gay, the issue comes to the forefront when a politicians family from Texas is involved. Ed and Tammy's son has been accused of bullying and is sent to an alternative school as punishment. He is also not allowed to be on the football team anymore. His father is furious and thinks it is unfair that his son should be punished . What I found ironic is once their child also started getting bullied, did it really hit home how bullying can cause distress and ultimately discourage a child.
I am impressed with the details the author gives readers about the two sides on this heated issue. She writes with compassion and shows us that there is another way to look at things instead of being so religious you get lost in what matters most. We all have our opinions about what is right and wrong, but the author delivers a book that gives both sides without prejudice. Everyday we make choices and decisions based on what we belief. I've always believed that everyone has the right to be accepted and loved without judgment because of their lifestyle. This book will be heartbreaking at times and uplifting at other times. The characters will touch you and open your heart to true compassion for everyone. Does everyone agree that all people should be treated equally? The answer is up to each of us. We must decide if we can love one another no matter what race, religion or sexual preference we are. Thank you for writing a powerful book that makes people look at theirselves and remind each of us that we are not to judge, but to love and accept each other without prejudice.
I received a copy of this book from the Lone Star Literary Life Blog Tours for an honest review .
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