About the Book
Book: Hannah Claire’s Wilderness
Author: Caryl McAdoo
Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction
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About the Author
Guest Post from Caryl
Have you ever thought you heard from God, and acted on that in obedience—oft at great sacrifice—only to doubt that you heard Him at all when things don’t go as you’d planned? Actually, everything almost goes just the opposite, and your world is turned upside down.
Did you really hear Him?
That’s what my heroine Hannah Claire faces, when a two-year stint looks like it’s turning into a lifetime commitment. Though I’ve never been abroad to the mission field, I’ve faced much the same thing as Hannah, believing I heard Him and then nothing happening as expected!
Personally, I’ve been waiting over thirty years, but have found great peace in that waiting and trusting God—knowing that He is on the throne and in control. I will never doubt that the vision He’s given, the call He’s placed on mine and Ron’s lives WILL come to pass, just as it did for Abraham.
Hannah doesn’t have to wait that long, but her experience takes her to the depths of fear and depression before she comes to know her Heavenly Father is altogether trustworthy. The Shepherd walks her through the valley of the shadow of death and makes her to lie down in green pastures. He stills the raging waters and leads her beside them.
Book three, King David’s Tabernacle, coming sometime in 2020, will bring the reward and give you glory bumps every step of the way as God makes Himself known in a mighty way, but first . . . there’s the refining. Gold is passed through the fire seven times to be purified.
Silver as well, until the smith can see his reflection. Followers of Christ are all being made into the image of God’s Beloved Son, and we can rest in the fact that He who began that good work in us at salvation will be faithful to complete it until His coming again.
I pray you will enjoy your journey through Hannah Claire’s Wilderness.

This has been a wonderful story of a young couple who become missionaries and travel to Nigeria. I loved reading about the land and the exotic animals there. I can't imagine being young like Hannah and following her husband to a foreign place. It was a place that was hard to live at times . What a joy it was for Hannah and David to be able to save a five year old girl named Adaolisa. She was definitely a gift from God. They young girl had been through so much and now she found a new beginning with Hannah and David.
It was amazing how God provided a way for Hannah to understand the language that Adaolisa spoke and it warmed my heart to read how quickly they bonded. I remember watching a show a few weeks ago about a man in Africa that made sandals out of tires. What a surprise when it was included in this story. It is not an easy task, but the workmanship was unbelievable .
The trials that Hannah and David endure are at times hard to read. What would it be like to be in a foreign land knowing that the enemy was out there trying to destroy you? Spreading the Word of God will take lots of prayer as the couple seek to spread the Good news. I could picture men surrounding their camp ready to cause damage and then angels appear to cover them in peace and safety. Hannah wants to leave but David assures her that God will protect them. Will Hannah trust God as they do the work they have been called to? The thing that really struck me was how young they were and answered the call on their lives. I know at eighteen I would not have had the courage to do what Hannah and David did.
As David goes out into the streets to preach, Hannah is a little fearful for his safety. She is constantly saying they should return to the states, but David is not ready to go. I loved reading how Hannah was tested in her faith and how determined David was to follow God's calling. The story is well written and delivers a great idea of what it was like to be missionaries in the 1970s. The author intrigues readers with her knowledge of Africa and the cuisine. Hannah is at times discouraged but what she really needs to work through is her trust that God will keep them safe.
I loved reading how the Lord worked in Hannah and David's life and showed then that He would provide their needs. There are many lessons in the story that touched my heart. We all struggle at time with trusting God. Hannah will find herself learning that God is in control. When you have a call on your life like David you obey and trust God to keep you safe.
" I know now that being obedient is the way we can show God how much we love Him."
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
As David goes out into the streets to preach, Hannah is a little fearful for his safety. She is constantly saying they should return to the states, but David is not ready to go. I loved reading how Hannah was tested in her faith and how determined David was to follow God's calling. The story is well written and delivers a great idea of what it was like to be missionaries in the 1970s. The author intrigues readers with her knowledge of Africa and the cuisine. Hannah is at times discouraged but what she really needs to work through is her trust that God will keep them safe.
I loved reading how the Lord worked in Hannah and David's life and showed then that He would provide their needs. There are many lessons in the story that touched my heart. We all struggle at time with trusting God. Hannah will find herself learning that God is in control. When you have a call on your life like David you obey and trust God to keep you safe.
" I know now that being obedient is the way we can show God how much we love Him."
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
The Becca Files, March 21
Inklings and notions, March 21
Through the Fire Blogs, March 22
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 23
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, March 24
Locks, Hooks and Books, March 24
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 25
Stephanie’s Life of Determination, March 26
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, March 27
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 28
Texas Book-aholic, March 29
janicesbookreviews, March 30
Bigreadersite, March 31
A Reader’s Brain, April 1
Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, April 2
Real World Bible Study, April 3
To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away
Grand Prize – $50 Gift Amazon Card
1st Prize – Signed, Paperback copy of CHOICE of all my books
2nd Prize – Signed copy of Hannah Claire’s Wilderness
3rd Prize – eBook copy of Hannah Claire’s Wilderness
4th Prize – eBook copy of CHOICE of all my books
5th Prize $5 Amazon Gift Card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/dcad/hannah-claire-s-wilderness-celebration-tour-giveaway
This sounds like a very interesting story!