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Wednesday, December 30, 2015
I really enjoy reading books from Dan Walsh. They are always filled with laughter, tears, joy, love and faith. This cute little book is no exception. It is very relatable to those of us who have experienced the empty nest syndrome . The kids move away and start their own lives with their families , while the parents are left with an empty house and memories. Stan and Judith are feeling the heartache this holiday when the kids aren't able to cone home for Thanksgiving. Judith sinks into a real depression when she finds out that the kids won't be home for Christmas either.
The author writes with such emotion and tells their story with grace and charm. Stan does a great job of trying to get his wife out of her depression, but nothing seems to work. It is a story much like you would see on a HALLMARK movie with families trying to make the most of a sad Christmas. For some it may be a predictable story, but for others it will show them what sacrifice a husband will do to make his wife happy and see her smile again. Overall I enjoyed the book. I suggest you get your tissues ready, settle down in a comfy place, and get ready for a story that gives you hope and shows what unconditional love is. KEEPING CHRISTMAS is a story that is great for anyone looking for a book about families , traditions and faith.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
The author writes with such emotion and tells their story with grace and charm. Stan does a great job of trying to get his wife out of her depression, but nothing seems to work. It is a story much like you would see on a HALLMARK movie with families trying to make the most of a sad Christmas. For some it may be a predictable story, but for others it will show them what sacrifice a husband will do to make his wife happy and see her smile again. Overall I enjoyed the book. I suggest you get your tissues ready, settle down in a comfy place, and get ready for a story that gives you hope and shows what unconditional love is. KEEPING CHRISTMAS is a story that is great for anyone looking for a book about families , traditions and faith.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
I am in awe right now of the book I just read. Is it possible to write another book in a series and make it better then the first one? Yes it can be done and JC Morrow has done it with an explosive story so captivating that I didn't stop reading till I finished the book. Kayden had one mission and that was to kill the Prince. As the new book opens in the series, we find out that Kayden has done quite the opposite. Did she do the unthinkable? Can she truly have feelings for a man she was ordered to kill? I felt her anguish as she discovers that she failed at her mission, but is secretly happy that she was able to save the Prince from harm. Will she have to pay for her failure ?
JC has given readers another book that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the action is heightened and the suspense more intense. I felt myself in the castle walking down the halls and seeing the guards posted at their assignments. I felt the urgency in Kayden as she realized that the Prince was in danger once again. The tender moments between Kayden and the Prince are written with real emotion that JC expressed with depth and grace. The action at the ending of the book is fast paced and truly a masterful work of art that explodes with intensity. Well done JC Morrows. Once again you have written a book that captures the true spirit of a gifted author.
JC has given readers another book that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the action is heightened and the suspense more intense. I felt myself in the castle walking down the halls and seeing the guards posted at their assignments. I felt the urgency in Kayden as she realized that the Prince was in danger once again. The tender moments between Kayden and the Prince are written with real emotion that JC expressed with depth and grace. The action at the ending of the book is fast paced and truly a masterful work of art that explodes with intensity. Well done JC Morrows. Once again you have written a book that captures the true spirit of a gifted author.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
I wonder where this book was when I got married thirty-two years ago? Would I have actually read it and applied it to my marriage? Could I have given up my strong-willed I am in charge attitude? I know the answers to these questions and I'm thankful that I have a husband who is patient and loves me unconditionally . I was so focused on being in charge and pointing out things my husband was doing wrong, I forgot to focus on what God had designed a wife to be.
As I read this book, I kept thinking that this book is all about me once upon a time. We can sometimes get so focused on what our spouse is or is not doing, that we become the leader in the marriage and soon that causes big problems. We are to helpmates; not take on the man's role. God has specific roles for each of us, but when we step out of our roles, strife and a struggle for control ensues.
I loved the honesty and transparency the author wrote about her struggles and how she overcame them. We all sin, but the good news is that God forgives us. He wants and desires for us to have a Godly marriage. She talks about some of the causes of MARITAL POWER STRUGGLE . I could relate to each one and know I still need work in some of the areas . I was encouraged as I read the book and know that I will continue to go back through the book to reflect on His wisdom and unconditional love. "My level of respect and biblical submission toward my husband is a direct indication of my level of reverence for and submission to Jesus Christ." When I read that sentence, I stopped for a minute to really let that soak in. It is nothing to do with our husband, but rather what our character is.
"You will get the most out of this book if you can chew in it slowly and think deeply about yourself and what God is speaking to your heart , allowing Him time and freedom to highlight certain areas for you." Thank you for a book that encourages us and helps us become the wife God designed us to be. "My goal is not ultimately to please my husband ..... My goal is to bring great joy to my Lord Jesus."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
As I read this book, I kept thinking that this book is all about me once upon a time. We can sometimes get so focused on what our spouse is or is not doing, that we become the leader in the marriage and soon that causes big problems. We are to helpmates; not take on the man's role. God has specific roles for each of us, but when we step out of our roles, strife and a struggle for control ensues.
I loved the honesty and transparency the author wrote about her struggles and how she overcame them. We all sin, but the good news is that God forgives us. He wants and desires for us to have a Godly marriage. She talks about some of the causes of MARITAL POWER STRUGGLE . I could relate to each one and know I still need work in some of the areas . I was encouraged as I read the book and know that I will continue to go back through the book to reflect on His wisdom and unconditional love. "My level of respect and biblical submission toward my husband is a direct indication of my level of reverence for and submission to Jesus Christ." When I read that sentence, I stopped for a minute to really let that soak in. It is nothing to do with our husband, but rather what our character is.
"You will get the most out of this book if you can chew in it slowly and think deeply about yourself and what God is speaking to your heart , allowing Him time and freedom to highlight certain areas for you." Thank you for a book that encourages us and helps us become the wife God designed us to be. "My goal is not ultimately to please my husband ..... My goal is to bring great joy to my Lord Jesus."
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
This first installment of the Chelsea Adams series is a fast paced intriguing read. What would you do if you could see things Athat others couldn't ? Could you stop something from happening if the vision was a warning of something tragic? Chelsea is a mother and housewife who suddenly seems to start having visions. She can't explain them, but knows they are from God.
One disturbing vision is so unsettling that she goes to the police to tell them about what she has seen . I can't imagine having visions like she does without being terrified myself. Her latest vision is one of a young girl that has been murdered. She can see vividly where the body is and even who the suspect could be. The story reminds me a lot of the show called The Medium. I loved the intrigue in the story and the characters that jumped off the pages. Sometimes we can't explain why something happens, but we have to learn to trust God and believe He is watching over us. One of the characters struggles with their faith and at times is not sure if he is bold enough to share his Christianity. Are we bold enough to share our faith?
Will anyone stand with Chelsea and believe that her visions are from God? The book is riveting and is intense which keeps the readers glued to the book. After reading this book, I wondered how much I really trusted God. Would I accept His gifts without question? Could I be bold in my faith and stand up for others? Don't miss this electrifying book that grabs you from the beginning and never lets go till the final word is read.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
One disturbing vision is so unsettling that she goes to the police to tell them about what she has seen . I can't imagine having visions like she does without being terrified myself. Her latest vision is one of a young girl that has been murdered. She can see vividly where the body is and even who the suspect could be. The story reminds me a lot of the show called The Medium. I loved the intrigue in the story and the characters that jumped off the pages. Sometimes we can't explain why something happens, but we have to learn to trust God and believe He is watching over us. One of the characters struggles with their faith and at times is not sure if he is bold enough to share his Christianity. Are we bold enough to share our faith?
Will anyone stand with Chelsea and believe that her visions are from God? The book is riveting and is intense which keeps the readers glued to the book. After reading this book, I wondered how much I really trusted God. Would I accept His gifts without question? Could I be bold in my faith and stand up for others? Don't miss this electrifying book that grabs you from the beginning and never lets go till the final word is read.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
I do enjoy reading this author and I was anxious to get my hands on her latest. Lucy Alling works at a prestigious antique shop with the owner and her mentor Sid. She likes her job, but on a special day called Bookday, she gets to take care of all the special edition , rare books. What a job I would love to have. I could get lost for hours, just going through each book very carefully and discovering great stories long forgotten that had been collecting dust on a shelf.
She soon discovers that a young gentleman named James has a liking for these special books. He is an attorney and buys the books as gifts. They seem to hit it off and begin dating. One day unexpectantly James abruptly ends their relationship. What does he find Lucy doing that has him so upset?
James' grandmother , Helen, hires Lucy as an antique consultant for a trip she is planning for England. Her family is not thrilled because they think Helen's health is declining. Why is this trip so important for Helen? For Lucy this trip will bring make some unpleasant memories. Her father was last known to reside in England. Will she find him there? With all the hurt and feelings of abandonment , can she forgive her father?
The story is intriguing and the characters are well versed in classic literature which adds depth to the storyline. The characters will face forgiveness, redemption and a past that each will need to come to terms with. It is a great story for readers of all genres who appreciate a well written story that captures your attention quickly and holds it till the end.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild for an honest review.
She soon discovers that a young gentleman named James has a liking for these special books. He is an attorney and buys the books as gifts. They seem to hit it off and begin dating. One day unexpectantly James abruptly ends their relationship. What does he find Lucy doing that has him so upset?
James' grandmother , Helen, hires Lucy as an antique consultant for a trip she is planning for England. Her family is not thrilled because they think Helen's health is declining. Why is this trip so important for Helen? For Lucy this trip will bring make some unpleasant memories. Her father was last known to reside in England. Will she find him there? With all the hurt and feelings of abandonment , can she forgive her father?
The story is intriguing and the characters are well versed in classic literature which adds depth to the storyline. The characters will face forgiveness, redemption and a past that each will need to come to terms with. It is a great story for readers of all genres who appreciate a well written story that captures your attention quickly and holds it till the end.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild for an honest review.
What a beautiful story THE WEDDING CHAPEL is. It is about two generations as story flows like delicate flowers nestled in a vase. The story starts during post-World War and continues to the present day. The author takes readers on a journey where families will make tough decisions and the hope of finding love that will last forever. I loved how the characters were portrayed and the realism the author wrote as they experience secrets , betrayals and a misunderstanding that could stand in the way of love.
Jack and Taylor are as different as night and day, but they eloped one day because of love. I loved when he said he, "Wanted to be her hero." He wanted her not to regret taking a leap with him." As many couples do, they have disagreements. But when Jack tells Taylor he has a photography job for her you say see her face lightup. Will this job be a stepping stone in her career? What mystery will the building she is photographing unveil?
Collette is in town for a cast picture for the show "Always Tomorrow." She has been the matriarch of the show for six decades and the era has come to an end. I loved reading about Collette. She reminds me of several actors from soap operas that have recently gone off the air. The grace and elegance Collette presents on screen will be missed by her many fans. The photographer for the shoot is Taylor, Collette's niece which I was excited to read. I could see the story start to entertwine and the drama that was about to unfold.
There is one more person to add to the mix and his name is Jimmy. Now Jimmy , also known as Coach has just been notified that "Architecuture Quarterly" wanted to send a photographer to take a picture of The Wedding CHAPEL on his property. The chapel is a very private and enduring but sad memory for him. Why did he build it? What long forgotten love will it expose?
The author does a great job of going back and forth between eras while telling a beautiful story of long lost love, new love and a love that spans a lifetime. It's intricate details make the story special and cast a picture of a beautiful chapel nestled away just waiting to be discovered. It's time to join the characters and explore a story that will have you shedding tears, laughing and discovering long forgotten dreams. THE WEDDING CHAPEL is a master piece of words that paint a priceless picture of love.
I received a copy of THE WEDDING CHAPEL from the Fiction Guild for an honest review.
Jack and Taylor are as different as night and day, but they eloped one day because of love. I loved when he said he, "Wanted to be her hero." He wanted her not to regret taking a leap with him." As many couples do, they have disagreements. But when Jack tells Taylor he has a photography job for her you say see her face lightup. Will this job be a stepping stone in her career? What mystery will the building she is photographing unveil?
Collette is in town for a cast picture for the show "Always Tomorrow." She has been the matriarch of the show for six decades and the era has come to an end. I loved reading about Collette. She reminds me of several actors from soap operas that have recently gone off the air. The grace and elegance Collette presents on screen will be missed by her many fans. The photographer for the shoot is Taylor, Collette's niece which I was excited to read. I could see the story start to entertwine and the drama that was about to unfold.
There is one more person to add to the mix and his name is Jimmy. Now Jimmy , also known as Coach has just been notified that "Architecuture Quarterly" wanted to send a photographer to take a picture of The Wedding CHAPEL on his property. The chapel is a very private and enduring but sad memory for him. Why did he build it? What long forgotten love will it expose?
The author does a great job of going back and forth between eras while telling a beautiful story of long lost love, new love and a love that spans a lifetime. It's intricate details make the story special and cast a picture of a beautiful chapel nestled away just waiting to be discovered. It's time to join the characters and explore a story that will have you shedding tears, laughing and discovering long forgotten dreams. THE WEDDING CHAPEL is a master piece of words that paint a priceless picture of love.
I received a copy of THE WEDDING CHAPEL from the Fiction Guild for an honest review.
Friday, December 25, 2015
The moment this book hit my kindle, I immediately sensed an explosive story unfolding. MARTIAL LAW is by far the best in the series. With each book in the series, the action is more intense , the survival is more urgent and the characters are more prepared. The beginning starts off with a bang and never lets up. What happens when the power goes out everywhere? Are you prepared? The Loyal Nine have been prepared for this and the team is closing the gap in their tight knit group. All around them is panic and mayhem. The team is strong and with a sense of calmness, they put their plan of survival into place. This third installment in this series has everything you would expect from a fast paced thriller. Bobby Akart has become a best selling author to be reckoned with. He pulls no punches, is straight forward and delivers a story that gave me shivers as I envisioned myself in the midst of the crowd fighting for supplies. I love the author's knowledge of guns, technology and law . He is the master of history and is very detailed in that area. It shows in the intelligent writing throughout the book. I loved the references to easily identifiable things like CVS where people were fighting to get their medication. It really hits home and makes readers hopefully start to think about the future . The book is authentic and will have you thinking about your preparedness if this would happen in your town or state. I'm thrilled that MARTIAL LAW is now available because it is a must read for everyone. Don't miss your chance to read a story that grabs your attention and makes you think. Are you ready? Can you defend yourself ? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to survive?
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
I don't normally read fantasy books, but I am glad I was able to read this one. Is is set in a place that is surrounded by "The Darkwater." Just seeing that name gave me shivers. It is definitely an attention getter and to find out that it consists of a mysterious evil source had me hooked on the book.
Willet Dura is the chief detective who is loyal and very caring. He is a very likeable person and easily befriends those who are widows, children that have become orphans and yes even prostitutes. As Willet receives a "gift" that allows him to read minds and experience their feelings, his life is turned upside down. I don't think I would want to know what other people were thinking, do you?
This book is filled with mystery, adventure , unsavory characters , murder , kidnapping and even a sword fight. Willet will have his hands full trying to stay one step ahead of those who want his "gift." Can he continue to be loyal or will something tempt him to falter? The book is well written and holds your attention as you travel to a time where it becomes hard to trust anyone in a kingdom where staying alive could mean fighting and outwitting the enemy. The story is fast paced and has a great cast of characters. Get ready for a great book that is filled with Knights, lords and people who will fight for what is right and just.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
Willet Dura is the chief detective who is loyal and very caring. He is a very likeable person and easily befriends those who are widows, children that have become orphans and yes even prostitutes. As Willet receives a "gift" that allows him to read minds and experience their feelings, his life is turned upside down. I don't think I would want to know what other people were thinking, do you?
This book is filled with mystery, adventure , unsavory characters , murder , kidnapping and even a sword fight. Willet will have his hands full trying to stay one step ahead of those who want his "gift." Can he continue to be loyal or will something tempt him to falter? The book is well written and holds your attention as you travel to a time where it becomes hard to trust anyone in a kingdom where staying alive could mean fighting and outwitting the enemy. The story is fast paced and has a great cast of characters. Get ready for a great book that is filled with Knights, lords and people who will fight for what is right and just.
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Lone Star Literary Life Blog Tours
Michael Weisberg, M.D.
Print Length: 346 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1483419975
Publisher: Rebreca Publishing; First Edition edition (July 11, 2014)
Publication Date: July 11, 2014
Price: $17.99

Welcome to Medicine in the 21st century, where the results of having a Hospitalist instead of your own doctor can be disastrous.
Specialist Dr. Aaron Bernstein enters the world of the Hospitalist firsthand when he confronts a schizophrenic patient who -- literally -- is a ticking time-bomb.
Dr. Michael F. Weisberg
Dr. Michael Weisberg has been a practicing gastroenterologist for over 23 years in Plano, Texas. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.
He has been recognized as a ‘Super-Doctor’ by Texas Monthly and named to D Magazine’s list of best doctors eight times. Dr. Weisberg also serves as a board member of Digestive Health Associates of Texas.
Dr. Weisberg graduated in 1981 from Vanderbilt University Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature. He received his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston in 1985 and completed a fellowship in Gastroenterology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
Dr. Weisberg has written stories throughout his medical career. In 2011 he won first prize in a short-story competition sponsored by Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas.
The Hospitalist is Dr. Weisberg’s first novel. He is currently working on his second novel.
He lives in Dallas with his wife and three children.
Professional Affiliations
American College of Gastroenterology
Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
Texas Medical Association
Dallas County Medical Society
North Texas Chapter - Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America

The book was very explosive and detailed to perfection. I could not put it down. The author does a great job in describing the workings in the hospital and the many people who work there. The different cases the doctors work on are fascinating and keep the reader interested as we get to explore the inside workings of a hospital. It is a roller coaster ride of patients with different ailments and doctors who are overworked at times. Some of the doctors were unconcerned for their patient's well being. It seems they were more focused on the money that they could make. I liked how the story showed the dynamics of a hospital much like one we have each visited at one time. The book moves at a rapid pace and gives readers various patients which are realistic. I found myself being transformed to an episode of ER as the author gives us intrigue, danger and a cast of characters that keep you on the edge of your seat. I was very impressed with the writing and enjoyed reading a great book about the inside of a hospital as seen through the eyes of doctors, patients and family members.
This story will grab you from the beginning on a roller coaster ride that doesn't stop till the end. For some reason Peter Ryan has lost his wife and daughter. He can't understand what has happened to them. Friends and family try him repeatedly to tell him that they died, but he does not believe them. Where did his family disappear, to he wonders. Are they really dead or is something more going on that may endanger him?
The story is a knockout mystery that will keep you barely hanging on to your seat as the story is a bumpy ride into the secrets of a missing wife and daughter. But is that all to the story? Is there an underlying secret thst Peter doesn't know about? When Peter's house is broken into, his survival skills kick in and it is him against the world. The characters are well developed and hold your attention as you weave your way through a series of twists and turns. Just when you think you have the story figured out, the author slams you with a very intense turn that takes the story in another direction. I hope you are prepared to stay up late as you start this explosive , intriguing book. It is not a book that can be put down until the author delivers the exciting ending that keeps you wanting more. I will look forward to more books from this genius storyteller of intrigue and heart pounding action .
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review
The story is a knockout mystery that will keep you barely hanging on to your seat as the story is a bumpy ride into the secrets of a missing wife and daughter. But is that all to the story? Is there an underlying secret thst Peter doesn't know about? When Peter's house is broken into, his survival skills kick in and it is him against the world. The characters are well developed and hold your attention as you weave your way through a series of twists and turns. Just when you think you have the story figured out, the author slams you with a very intense turn that takes the story in another direction. I hope you are prepared to stay up late as you start this explosive , intriguing book. It is not a book that can be put down until the author delivers the exciting ending that keeps you wanting more. I will look forward to more books from this genius storyteller of intrigue and heart pounding action .
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review
This is a nice quick read packed with a wonderful story about wealth, unforgiveness and letting go of your past. Some of us think that being wealthy is the most important thing in finding happiness. We believe with money, we will be happier, have lots of friends and live an easy care free life. The book is written with depth as it explores the different ways the characters handle being wealthy.
In this book, the author tells a story about Joe who is a very dedicated man of faith. He ministers to college students and is content with his life. He starts to fall for a young woman named Madeline. As they start to grow closer, Joe decides he can't be in a relationship with her. He has found out that her family is extremely wealthy and it bothers him. He is afraid to let someone in, to trust someone , to love them. Will Joe let go and trust God? Can Joe follow God for direction in his life , or turn away and stay alone forever ? What reaction will Madeline have when Joe tells her about his painful past? Will a tragedy during the holidays bring Joe close to his father again? Can he forgive his father for the painful childhood he endured?
Don't miss this great intriguing story of redemption, letting go of the past and learning to trust God . I really enjoyed the way the author focused on the struggles that being wealthy can cause. We don't realize how "the love of money " can destroy relationships until it is to late. The author has done an amazing job of showing readers how unforgiveness can lead to mistrust, loneliness and bitterness. I loved the realism between Joe and his estranged father. The past is sometimes painful, but it can be a lesson to learn to trust God and know He never gives us more than we can handle.
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
In this book, the author tells a story about Joe who is a very dedicated man of faith. He ministers to college students and is content with his life. He starts to fall for a young woman named Madeline. As they start to grow closer, Joe decides he can't be in a relationship with her. He has found out that her family is extremely wealthy and it bothers him. He is afraid to let someone in, to trust someone , to love them. Will Joe let go and trust God? Can Joe follow God for direction in his life , or turn away and stay alone forever ? What reaction will Madeline have when Joe tells her about his painful past? Will a tragedy during the holidays bring Joe close to his father again? Can he forgive his father for the painful childhood he endured?
Don't miss this great intriguing story of redemption, letting go of the past and learning to trust God . I really enjoyed the way the author focused on the struggles that being wealthy can cause. We don't realize how "the love of money " can destroy relationships until it is to late. The author has done an amazing job of showing readers how unforgiveness can lead to mistrust, loneliness and bitterness. I loved the realism between Joe and his estranged father. The past is sometimes painful, but it can be a lesson to learn to trust God and know He never gives us more than we can handle.
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6
I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
I remember the moment I found out I was pregnant. I was ready to take on the world and be the world's best mom who could handle it all. What a dream I was living in. The minute we had that little bundle all to ourselves, my hands started to sweat as I realized I didn't know what I was doing. I wish I had been able to read "The Super Mom Myth" and realized I was going to be ok.
The book is chalked full of helpful insights to help moms everywhere get through the day and feel good about theirselves. I definitely could relate to "The Grouch on the Couch." I seemed to be forever in a bad mood. After all, I felt like I had to do everything in order to be the best mom in the world. There was no way I was going to fail and give in to the thoughts of "You can't do this. You are a terrible mom."
As you read each chapter, there are scriptures and wisdom that transpire across the pages as the author shares her struggles and triumphs of motherhood. I loved reading her different illustrations with her children that really opened my eyes to many things I could relate to. How many of us have screamed because our child lost something or didn't do a chore.p? Out job is to train them up, pray for them and guide them in the right direction. We also need to support them and encourage them and above all love them unconditionally .
One of the things I though was so powerful in this book was to learn to apologize to our children. "When we apologize and ask our kids for forgiveness, it teaches them that we are not perfect, nor do we expect them to be."
I loved how she has designed the book into eight different topics. It makes an easy tool to go directly to what topic you are struggling with and read that chapter. It has questions at the end of the book that is perfect for a bible study to do with others or for an individual to use .
We are not perfect but we can be great moms by praying, encouraging and keeping the Word alive in our hearts. I hope as you read this book, you find nuggets of truths that will set you free from the myth that we have to be "a super mom."
I received this book from Barbour Publushing for an honest review.
The book is chalked full of helpful insights to help moms everywhere get through the day and feel good about theirselves. I definitely could relate to "The Grouch on the Couch." I seemed to be forever in a bad mood. After all, I felt like I had to do everything in order to be the best mom in the world. There was no way I was going to fail and give in to the thoughts of "You can't do this. You are a terrible mom."
As you read each chapter, there are scriptures and wisdom that transpire across the pages as the author shares her struggles and triumphs of motherhood. I loved reading her different illustrations with her children that really opened my eyes to many things I could relate to. How many of us have screamed because our child lost something or didn't do a chore.p? Out job is to train them up, pray for them and guide them in the right direction. We also need to support them and encourage them and above all love them unconditionally .
One of the things I though was so powerful in this book was to learn to apologize to our children. "When we apologize and ask our kids for forgiveness, it teaches them that we are not perfect, nor do we expect them to be."
I loved how she has designed the book into eight different topics. It makes an easy tool to go directly to what topic you are struggling with and read that chapter. It has questions at the end of the book that is perfect for a bible study to do with others or for an individual to use .
We are not perfect but we can be great moms by praying, encouraging and keeping the Word alive in our hearts. I hope as you read this book, you find nuggets of truths that will set you free from the myth that we have to be "a super mom."
I received this book from Barbour Publushing for an honest review.
Lone Star Literary Life Blog Tours
a novel
James Lee Burke
Author: James Lee Burke
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Suspense
# of pages: 448
Order today from
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iBooks
New York Times bestseller James Lee Burke returns with his latest masterpiece, the story of a father and son separated by war and circumstance—and whose encounter with the legendary Holy Grail will change their lives forever.

After a violent encounter that leaves four Mexican soldiers dead, Hackberry escapes the country in possession of a stolen artifact, earning the ire of a bloodthirsty Austrian arms dealer who then places Hack’s son Ishmael squarely in the cross hairs of a plot to recapture his prize, believed to be the mythic cup of Christ.
Along the way, we meet three extraordinary women: Ruby Dansen, the Danish immigrant who is Ishmael’s mother and Hackberry’s one true love; Beatrice DeMolay, a brothel madam descended from the crusader knight who brought the shroud of Turin back from the Holy Land; and Maggie Bassett, one-time lover of the Sundance Kid, whose wiles rival those of Lady Macbeth. In her own way, each woman will aid Hackberry in his quest to reconcile with Ishmael, to vanquish their enemies, and to return the Grail to its rightful place.
House of the Rising Sun is James Lee Burke’s finest novel to date, and a thrilling entry into the Holland family saga that continued most recently with Wayfaring Stranger, which The New York Times Book Review described as “saturated with the romance of the past while mournfully attuned to the unholy menace of the present.”
Praise for the author
“The heavyweight champ, a great American novelist.” —Michael Connelly
A classic saga of the American West from James Lee Burke
House of the Rising Sun
One of America’s most acclaimed and versatile novelists returns with a harrowing, historical epic featuring Texas Ranger Hackberry Holland. Starting in revolutionary Mexico circa 1918 and winding through seedy, gang-controlled San Antonio, Holland fights his way back to his Army captain son while protecting one of history’s most fabled artifacts.
“A gorgeous prose stylist.” —Stephen King
“The reigning champ of nostalgia noir.” —The New York Times Book Review
Website Amazon Page Facebook Twitter Simon & Schuster

It has been awhile since I have read a really good story that is chocked full of strong characters. House of the Rising Sun has so many great characters , that I liked them all. The author wrote them with such depth that they came alive on the pages. That's when I knew I was in for an adventure that would grab me from the beginning and take off at full speed with twists and turns.
A former Texas Ranger named Hackberry Holland is on a mission to find his missing son. It seems to stumble on roadblocks as he hunts for Ismael, his son. Could it be that Ismael being a captain in the U.S. Army may have caused someone to kidnap him? Hackberry suspects that the Mexican soldiers may know something about his missing son. After Hackberry kills several Mexican soldiers, he decides to steal a very important artifact . This artifact belongs to a ruthless arms dealer named Arnold Beckman. That probably was not one of Hackberry's greatest decisions. Has Hackberry just signed his own death warrant? Will his son play a part in the stolen artifact that puts him in danger?
I liked Hackberry because he has flaws that sometimes makes his decisions seem harsh or lack judgment. He has a tendency to like the liquor a bit to much and has knee jerk reactions to things. He acts impulsively without thinking which causes some friction with others in the story. I think of him as a hot head at times, which causes him to be violent .
House of The Rising Sun has action, tension, intrigue and a cast of characters you won't soon forget. It's a great story with many intense scenes and keeps you glued to the pages. The story is easy to follow and gives you a feel of the old west. This book will be liked by those looking for a great action packed good guys vs bad guys theme that will fight it out in an epic battle by superb writing and flawless scenes that jump off the pages.
I received a copy of this book from The Lone Star Lit Life Book Tour for an honest review.
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